Week 9

Savannah Limehouse
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readMar 7, 2024

In the reading “Of Experience” the reading states, “A man needs at least some degree of intelligence to be able to notice that he does not know; and we must against a door to know that it is closed or us.” I agree that to be intelligent on a subject or just life in general is being admit when you do not know something. By being able to admit you do not know, it allows for other people to see that you are vulnerable and willing to ask for help. The biggest way to learn and grow is to use one another and apply their knowledge to build off your own. No one gets smarter by their own thoughts, instead, we read books, or listen to being who are more educated in that subject speak to we can obtain that information and use it ourselves. For those who do not acknowledge their unknowings and try to pretend, it creates a lie that they must fulfill that is nearly impossible because they will not ask for help. In return they will learn nothing and never allow themselves to reach their full potential.

