
The Good Life: Spring 2024
1 min readApr 20, 2024

Upon choosing the Marsha Sinetar reading, I found myself relating heavily to the experience she shared about feeling unfulfilled by her job of selling vacuum cleaners due to her social anxiety and lack of interest in the task. I’ve always exceptionally struggled with completing tasks that I have no interest or passion in, which discouraged me from finding a job initially until I started working as a barista when I was 16. I was drawn in by how creative I could be with making new things every day and being able to customize customers’ orders, and I realized then that the only thing preventing me from choosing this as my career was the salary. Being a barista at a coffee shop may be what I would like to do over any other job, but it wouldn’t be a practical choice because I wouldn’t be making a livable wage. My favorite quote from this reading was “we are not born to struggle through life” (8) because it reminds me that self-accommodation is not a shameful or wrong thing to do, and that making things easier for yourself to accomplish is helpful and beneficial in the long run.



The Good Life: Spring 2024

What's bad for the heart is good for the art; the terrible irony of our lives as artists.