Can You Be Convicted for Being a Christian?

Are you a Christian or ‘SPAM’?

Abraham Raymond Eli
The Good News Bulletin
9 min readOct 22, 2022


Image by Hebi B. from Pixabay


The title of this article may be misleading; however, the next sentence will clarify things. There is the saying, “If you are tried in a court of law for being a Christian, would there be sufficient evidence to convict you?” And that is what we mean by “Can you be convicted for being a Christian?” Whether there will be sufficient evidence to convict a person for being a Christian is worthy of our consideration. The line between being a Christian and being anyone else is now so blurred that we can no longer distinguish who a Christian is from a SPAM (Someone Posing as Me), that is, someone deceitfully posing as a Christian.

To differentiate between a Christian and anyone else, first, we need to know what it means to be a Christian. We can then consider what it means to be convicted for being a Christian. This is what we shall do here. And in a follow-up article, we shall examine whether you and I would be convicted of being a Christian if we claim to be one.

Does regularly attending church meetings, speaking in tongues, and having wealth and possessions make you a Christian? Would such evidence convict you for being a Christian, or would the court find that you are just like everyone else and should, as such, not be condemned? To…



Abraham Raymond Eli
The Good News Bulletin

Called to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples through the teaching of the word of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Married to Grace.