Part 1

God’s Free Gift of Salvation (1)

What is this gift, and why is it referred to as “free gift”?

Abraham Raymond Eli
The Good News Bulletin
8 min readSep 2, 2023


Can anything truly be considered free?

We may be familiar with the adage, “There is no such thing as a free lunch, not even in Freetown!” This saying implies that when you receive something you did not pay for, it still comes at a cost to someone. There is always an underlying expense associated with any free offering.

When someone presents a gift, it involves the giver using their funds to acquire the gift. Therefore, though you receive the gift with no strings attached, it undoubtedly incurred an expense for the giver. Sometimes, gifts also come because of sacrifices made by someone to bring the gift to us. Whether a gift was purchased, or it came through a sacrifice, the bottom line is this: nothing in life is free. While it may be free to you, it cost someone else something!

Life and sacrifices

Indeed, life revolves around acts of sacrifice. In every situation where one benefits, there is an inherent sacrifice involved. Consider the scenario of returning home to a delightful meal. Behind this palatable experience lie sacrifices from parents, a spouse, roommates, neighbours, or friends who dedicated time to…



Abraham Raymond Eli
The Good News Bulletin

Called to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples through the teaching of the word of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Married to Grace.