Part 2

What is the Correct Biblical Injunction on the Tithe for the New Testament Church? — Part 2

The Biblical history of the tithe and the injunction thereof

Abraham Raymond Eli
The Good News Bulletin
7 min readAug 21, 2024


Defining a tithe

We had previously spoken of God’s grace that enabled us to be weaned from the tithe and our conviction that the tithe is not a New Testament ordinance¹. However, we did not define the tithe. So, let us do that now and discuss the matter of the tithe in Old Testament times.

A tithe signifies a tenth or 10 per cent. Under the Old Covenant, it was a mandatory contribution, constituting 10 per cent of various incomes — agricultural produce, livestock, and profits from goods.

Historical timeline of the tithe

1. Genesis 14 — Abraham and Melchizedek

The first biblical mention of tithing occurs when Abraham, after a victorious battle, voluntarily gives Melchizedek, a high priest, a tenth of his spoils. Let us note that Abraham was not under Melchizedek’s jurisdiction; neither was anyone from Melchizedek’s jurisdiction captured by the raiders! Hence, Abraham’s action recognised Melchizedek’s spiritual authority as a high priest of God.



Abraham Raymond Eli
The Good News Bulletin

Called to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and make disciples through the teaching of the word of God, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Married to Grace.