Exclusive Interview: Joseph on Not Being the Virgin Mary’s Baby Daddy

Emily Kapp
The Good News Satire
3 min readApr 2, 2019

It’s been a surprising and shocking spring in Nazareth!

Villagers have gone absolutely bonkers after news broke last month that the Virgin Mary admitted she was pregnant with the Lord’s Son — and that her latest flame, Joseph the carpenter, is NOT the father!

The Good News was lucky enough to get an ultra-exclusive interview with Joseph, where we got to dig deep about what he thinks about step-fatherhood, purity rings, and the gaucho jean trend that’s coming back.

Joseph and Mary were recently featured on The Maury Show, where Joseph officially learned that he was not the father. All ownership goes to The Maury Show.

The Good News: Thanks so much for meeting me today, Joseph. We really appreciate you coming forward and being willing to be so transparent in what’s going on with you and Mary.

Joseph: Yeah, no problem. Thanks for having me. I guess I just want to take this opportunity to be honest with everyone so we’re all on the same page.

TGN: Absolutely. So, you and Mary’s episode of Maury recently aired, and you were officially determined not to be the father. What was going through your mind?

J: So many things were going through my mind. The crowd was wild, absolutely insane. Considering our situation, Maury was a gentleman. It made me feel better knowing I had someone on my side, you know? But…I guess, when the DNA test went through, and everybody finally saw that I was not the father, I was kinda relieved. The truth was finally revealed.

TGN: The crowd was speechless.

J: Exactly. So, yeah, I got a little speechless too. From then on, I knew my life would be different.

TGN: How has your life changed, then?

J: Everyone was dying to ask Mary more questions, so we were escorted backstage by some security guards. One looked down at me and said, “Sorry, man.”

TGN: Woof. So that’s where the pity party began?

J: Pretty much, and it hasn’t stopped since. I walk down the dust road to town everyday to get some fucking water from the well, and everyone I pass just looks at me like I can’t bone.

TGN: That’s terrible.

J: It sucks.

TGN: But hey, don’t you think you’re being a little hard on yourself? You know, considering you’re literally competing with God as the baby daddy?

J: Not when you get called “Joseph the Joystick Jerk-Off” every time I attend a Sunday virgin sacrifice.

TGN: Yikes.

J: Yeah.

TGN: Ding ding ding! It’s our lightning round.

J: Oh God.

TGN: We’re going to ask you quick-fire would-you-rather’s, and you have to answer as quickly as possible. Think you’re up to it?

J: Do I really have a choice?

TGN: Good answer. Okay, here we go. 3….2…1…boxers or briefs?

J: Boxers, no question. I’ve always been a sucker for those fun boxers, you know?

TGN: Ooooo, you mean like those ones with Spiderman or SpongeBob on them?

J: Yes, yes! Oh my God, Mary about shit her pants the other day when she saw my new pair of Rick & Morty ones. She made me change.

TGN: Didn’t put her in the mood?

J: You hit the nail on the hammer with that one.

TGN: Ha! Well, hopefully she warms up to them, because she’s stuck with you. Who else is sticking with a knocked up chick out of wedlock during Biblical times?

J: You said it man, not me.

TGN: Anyway, anyway, moving on: donkey, or mule?

J: Mule, all the way. There’s nothing my mule, Messiah, can’t carry. He’s amaze-balls.

TGN: Very nice. One final speed-round question: vaginal, or anal?

J: Not cool.

TGN: Right, right. That. Well, thanks so much for taking the time, Joseph. Best of luck to you, Mary and the new baby on the way.

J: Thank you so much.

