Issue #56: To Your Health

Rodney B. Murray
The GOOD NEWSletter


“It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong.” — Richard Feynman

Here’s to your health! With this issue, I plan a pivot for The GOOD NEWSletter. As a techie, I’ve long embraced “militant optimism,” as stated in my inaugural Issue #1 — The Backstory. If you’ve been reading my newsletter for a while, you’ll note that most issues cover technological advances that MAY help our health and environment in the future.

Although I wrote about 15 issues related to Covid, I think we’re pretty saturated with that topic. Despite the terrible death toll, we are fortunate to have developed vaccines and drug treatments so quickly.

Concerning drugs, I have bones to pick with Big Pharma, Big Ag(riculture), and the Medical-Industrial Complex. Therefore, my pivot will focus on the harmful health advice we’ve endured for decades and how I hope to steer you and me on the road to a long and healthy life.

I’ll scour the Internet for good health news that you can use now.

In this issue, I introduce my credentials, a list of some essential topics I’ll be covering, and personal health data I plan to improve over the next several months. Then, at the bottom of this issue, let me know if you like the idea of this pivot or not.



Rodney B. Murray
The GOOD NEWSletter

e-Learning executive, podcaster, pharmacologist, motorcyclist and militant optimist