Are these 4 soul lessons the key to our ultimate power and potential as human beings?

Jade Se Tho
The good, the bad and the truth
6 min readDec 18, 2023

For four years I worked as a quantum healer working directly with the soul consciousness, healing soul wounds and completing karmic cycles and soul lessons for people. Over the four years there were repeated lessons that came up for nearly every soul that I worked with. Here I talk about the most popular soul lessons I came across and explain what they can mean for you and your life.

Firstly what are soul lessons?

Each soul comes into the human experience or sometimes called Earth School to learn, grow and evolve on a soul level. The soul is primarily concerned with evolution when we make soul agreements and contracts before entering our life. In the third dimension or in our physical reality we are living in duality. There is always duality in the Earth realm. The law of Polarity states this. If there is up then surely that means that there is a ‘down’. If there is light then there is dark. If there is joy that means there is always sadness. One cannot exist without the other.

Because we live in this reality of duality it makes a perfect environment to learn. Sometimes the best way to learn about something is to go without something. For example a soul may choose to learn the lesson of nurture and compassion. If this soul wants to learn that lesson, it may choose to reincarnate into a disruptive or abusive family and never be shown nurture or compassion growing up. This would create an adult life where there could also be no nurture or compassion. More than likely in relationships or friendships. As the soul grows and evolves through life, the absence of compassion and nurture would eventually guide the person to realise that they must indeed learn to show themselves the compassion and nurture they need. We are all powerful beings and the separation from our power, divinity and love is the illusion. As the soul evolves through integrating experiences as lessons, consciousness starts to rise and perspectives shift. The veils of illusion start to come down and disappear as the soul realises its potential and power integrating lessons along the way.

Lesson of self worth

This is the lesson that we are all integrating. As a society we have been conditioned to source our validation outside of us. We relish in the external and live in a capitalist society where material possessions have a high value placed upon them. We are all striving to have the latest or best house, car, clothes or accessories. We are taught to please others, to live up to other people’s expectations and do what we ‘should’ be doing. Essentially we are taught to be quiet, be polite and to be good because God forbid we should speak our truth and offend anyone and their delicate pride. We are taught to blend in, achieve well and the more you give the more you get. That respect has to be earned and we have to work hard if we want to get by in life. But all this does is take us further away from our innate and divine worth simply because we exist. It teaches us to place our self worth in the hands of others.

This kind of programming creates belief systems that limit us and create fear. We fear failure, looking silly, being criticised and not being perfect because if we don’t live up to these expectations we feel it takes away our value and worth.

If your soul is learning a lesson of self worth it will more than likely attract situations that require you to step up and take back your self worth. Sometimes in the form of a relationship, work situation, opportunity or friendship. It can appear in many ways. Think of it like this. if something in your life is causing you to feel ‘less than’ or unworthy. Or if you’re afraid to do something because you’re worried about other people’s opinions or judgements. You are probably completing a lesson on sourcing your own self worth internally.

Self love

There are a gazillion self help books and courses on self love. This one always makes me chuckle and this opinion of mine may be a bit controversial. but I’m gonna say it anyway. But I don’t really believe that anyone can teach you true self love. Sure they can teach you about what self love means to them, based on their own experience and their own perception. But the thing with these soul lessons and especially self love is that our lessons are based on our own individual and unique soul journey and evolution. For one person soul self love can mean one thing and to another soul it can mean something entirely different, based on what the soul has experienced before. There are no limits as to what a soul may have experienced throughout its history.

So if you are completing a lesson on self love, your soul will attract situations and experiences that make you feel unworthy of love, feel unloveable or simply attract experiences where just can’t show yourself any love. This may cause you to seek love outside of yourself, because that is how our brains are wired. ‘You want love, you go find it.’ But our realities are simply mirrors for what we feel internally so until you feel love for yourself internally, you will not find it externally. It always starts with you and the journey to self love is a complex and complicated journey. however beautiful in nature all at once.


What many of us do not realise is that alot of our fears are rooted in not feeling safe. Scared to put yourself out there or speak your truth? Ask yourself, are you afraid of how you’ll be received by others? Afraid to expand and elevate your life? Feel like you can’t seem to move out of your comfort zone? Do you feel safe to go out and step out of where it feels safe and comfortable? Can’t seem to find stability and settle? Do you feel safe? Feeling intense lack and scarcity? Is there fear you won’t be provided for? So many of our physical problems are rooted in our need to feel safe. Often we chase and chase because we just want things in our life that will make us feel safe and secure. Money, work, love, family. We often think we need all the things in our lives to feel happy but often it is the safety we want. That feeling of safety and security that we must create for ourselves within. If all the things that you believe you need to feel safe, are starting to break away from you, maybe your soul is pushing you towards creating internal safety from within. We think the money keeps us safe but really its another illusion because if the banks were to crash, you wouldn’t have that safety that you think you need.


Trust and self trust are necessary to be empowered and to follow the nudges of our soul. Often our soul’s are guiding us through intuition. The mind overthinks but the heart knows. When we follow the voice of our heart we follow the voice of our soul and our soul’s are always guiding us. If you don’t trust, you won’t hear the guidance and you won’t act on it. We have to take inspired action to move forward because the things we want simply are not gonna fall on our laps out of nowhere. So if you feel stuck or unable to take action or have any clarity. You may lack trust. It is our lack of self trust that grants us unable to make decisions. When we are not deciding we are going nowhere. We are in limbo. To decide is to take action. To decide you need self trust. If you are struggling to let go of a person or situation you could be blocking what is right for you coming into your life, because you’re holding onto what is not right instead of letting it slip away. Are you holding on because you don’t trust something better and more aligned is going to come along.

Final thoughts.

These 4 lessons are key however they are intertwined. They interweave across each other as nothing is linear. I call these 4 lessons the key to life. The key to everything. If you have these 4 lessons self worth, self love, safety and trust I truly believe you would be unstoppable and would never need anyone or anything again. Sure it is lovely to have the things you want. But having them and needing them are 2 different things. Often when we desperately seek something we create more resistance and only push it further away. By embodying these 4 lessons you would vibrate at a frequency that matches them and anything that is not a match wouldn’t resonate anyway.



Jade Se Tho
The good, the bad and the truth

Writing is our gift from the heavens to share creative self expression, wisdom and knowledge. I hope my words reach the souls that are meant to read them.