God Told Me This of the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard Defamation U.S. Case

What God had supernaturally directed me to blog on Depp vs Heard Defamation Trial

Danwil Reyes
The Good Vibes Corner
4 min readMay 20, 2022


Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

God told me this of the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard defamation U.S. case. I was supernaturally directed to write some parts of this article for the peoples.

In April of this year, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard went to court to try to work out their differences. The court trial will be a long and drawn-out affair. The verdict of the case will be given by the jurors and the judge, but their decision will not be the end of this case. You’ll know why as you read this blog.

Depp sued Heard for $50 million to clean his name from Herd’s accusation of him to being a “wife-beater” and recoup damages from the loss of movie offers and income, while Heard is countersuing Depp for $100 million for his alleged physical abuse of her.

Very soon, likely by the end of next week, the jury in this defamation case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard will deliver their verdict. The verdict of the case will be given by a judge, and there’s no telling now what it will say.

At stake is not only the financial stability of both actors but also their reputations and careers. With such high-stakes consequences, there has been much speculation as to who will win this trial. While opinions will inevitably differ, a final verdict that is based on fact rather than conjecture is the only way to truly know what happened.

This battle between the two started when Heard published an op-ed in the Washington Post against Johnny Depp for an alleged abuse, but Depp has always maintained his innocence. Who is telling the truth? Who is the liar? Who and what will win in the end? The reality is, we may not know the real truth about their fights and conflicting statements, but there’s One who does!

Just to be clear, I don’t know the earthly verdict will be of this case. I’m not pro Depp nor pro Heard, but like many of you, I’d like to know the truth of what really happened and who is telling the truth between the two. I’d like justice for the victim and would like a penalty to be given to the guilty one.

Meanwhile, I’d like to share with you who are reading this what the Almighty in heaven told me. I have recorded what “God” had told me to tell the peoples about this highly watched trial and what we can all learn from this case here.

Yes, this defamation case of Depp vs Heard is all about the 9th Commandment in the Bible that says, “You shall not give false testimony against others” (Exodus 20:16, Deuteronomy 5:20). Now you can read more about it here.

Many people have no definitive answer as to who, or what, is the doer of good and the doer of evil. This is a question that has puzzled humans for centuries and one that will probably continue to baffle us. There are those who believe that it is the individual, while others believe that it is a collective force.

There are times when good people have to do bad things in order to protect themselves or others, and there are also times when bad people have to do good things in order to protect themselves or others.

There are two schools of thought when it comes to who or what is responsible for good and evil in the world. The first believes that it is the hand of “God” that causes good and evil to happen, while the second believes that it is the actions of people themselves that create these conditions.

But despite all the different beliefs, both of the theories mentioned above will ultimately come to a final verdict from “God.” Whoever is the false accuser of the two will not escape His judgment! We’ll all be judged from our iniquities.

Yes, ultimately, the righteous decision for who is responsible for good and evil in this world will come down from the Almighty Father in heaven (Yahweh) whose ultimate judgment is final and cannot be overturned by anything and by anyone. He cannot be mocked! Yes, let us all learn and live with that fact.

So yes, God told me this of the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard defamation U.S. case. Thank you for reading. Please share this and follow me here on Medium.



Danwil Reyes
The Good Vibes Corner

Silver and gold have I none, but I'll give you what I have: the power of true love and real truth from things above! May you have heavenly peace and blessings.