We Don’t Endorse Joe Biden, and We Never Will

Joe Biden is everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party, and as socialists we stand against that

Fordham YDSA
The Goose Quill
4 min readMay 2, 2020


The Goose Quill Staff

Joe Biden is fundamentally opposed to everything socialists stand for, and for that we cannot support him

After Bernie Sanders suspended his campaign in March, Joe Biden became the presumptive nominee of the Democratic Party for the 2020 Presidential Election. While a lot of Democratic Party elites would want us to bend the knee like Bernie, there are too many outstanding issues surrounding Biden that makes it impossible for us to support him.

The first of many issues surrounding Joe Biden is that he has consistently been on the wrong side of controversial issues in Washington. Biden voted for the Iraq War, helped write the 1994 Crime Bill, whipped Democratic votes for removing bankruptcy protections for Americans, and has advocated for cutting Social Security and Medicare benefits multiple times.

When Biden was presented with a choice in controversial policy battles, he consistently sided with Republicans to make the life of the working American worse. If he suspects that socialists, who stand on the side of the worst off among us, to support him, he’s got another thing coming.

The other main issue is Joe Biden’s worrying behavior around women of all ages. Biden has been physically invasive of many women’s spaces on camera when he was swearing in Senators, and he was skewered at the time by many journalists, including Jon Stewart. Images of him smelling young girls’ hair, groping women, and planting unwanted kisses on their cheeks will be played throughout the general election no matter how much Democrats want to deny it.

That is also setting aside the major allegations of sexual assault against him by Tara Reade. The dismissal of her allegations on the basis of being a Russian agent, changing her story, or just attacking a prominent Democratic politician is disgusting to see. If the Democratic Party wants to be the party that believes survivors, nominating someone with credible allegations of sexual assault. Nobody will ever believe a Democratic accusation of sexual assault again.

Sexual assault cannot and should not be used as a political weapon. If Bernie Sanders were to be accused of sexual assault, we would be saying the same thing. Your political cravenness is disgusting, and you should be ashamed if you believed Dr. Ford or the numerous Trump accusers but do not believe Tara Reade. To support Biden despite his sexual assault allegations after condemning Trump for the same thing is to say that you only care about sexual assault when you disagree with the politics of the accused person, and that is despicable.

That isn’t the only time Biden has been dismissive of sexual assault misconduct, either. When Clarence Thomas was nominated to the Supreme Court, he was accused by Anita Reed of sexual harassment. Joe Biden presided over the hearings, and was dismissive of the accusations and joked about them. Before he ran for president, he reached out to Hill, but she said his apology was not enough.

To all the liberals concerned about the Supreme Court, look only to the Anita Hill hearings. Joe Biden dismissed the credible accusations against one of the most conservative members on the Supreme Court today. This is just another example in a long string of bad political decisions by Joe Biden.

“But Joe Biden is still better than Donald Trump,” liberals will say. “Vote for the lesser of two evils! Joe Biden is the electable choice to defeat Donald Trump.”

Are you sure about that? Do you really believe that?

Do you think that Trump will not exploit the Tara Reade accusations? That Trump will hammer Biden on the Iraq War? That he will point out the very obvious mental decline Biden is going through? That he won’t bring up the Hunter Biden issue?

Trump has no shame at all. He doesn’t care about hypocrisy charges, and with FOX News playing defense for him, he can and will ignore them. He will depress turnout of the all-so-important independent voters by showing just how awful a choice he is.

It’s also important to note that Joe Biden isn’t the nominee yet. He’s only the presumptive nominee. Democrats could replace him with literally anyone else who ran in this field, or someone else, and avoid disaster with Biden.

Joe Biden is the most dangerous nominee to put up against Trump. The routes of attack are just too great, and since Biden doesn’t seem keen on bringing the Left into his coalition, he’s making Democrats’ chances actively worse.

We at Fordham YDSA do not, and will not, endorse Joe Biden. We are following the policy voted on at the DSA Convention last year, which said that if Bernie Sanders did not get the nomination, we would not endorse anyone. You can vote however you want, but Fordham YDSA, and DSA as a whole, will not devote resources to elect Joe Biden.



Fordham YDSA
The Goose Quill

The official YDSA chapter for Fordham University and its surrounding area. Follow us on twitter @FordhamYDSA and our zine @TheGooseQuill