I Think You’re About to Experience a Major Shift –Here’s Why

Something is changing inside of you and soon, nothing will be the same.


Illustration: Public domain/Rijks Museum/Pexels

It happens slowly, and then, all at once. For the past many years, you have been growing increasingly uncomfortable with where you are and who you’ve become. Looking around your home, you feel less joy than you did when you first moved in. Too much has happened and there are so many memories –– some you wish to forget and some you’re tired of remembering.

You’re ready for something new.

Talking to your friends has been a chore, and after each forced conversation, you walk away feeling exhausted, and as if you have once again wasted time. It’s the small talk, the redundancies, the same day-in-day-out minutia. Your friends and family never change, no one is growing, and none of them encourage your growth. Your life is a constant wading through shallow, muddy waters and you’re up to your neck in it.

You’re looking for a way out.

Your environment has slowed you down. You have been unequally yoked with the people in your life since the very beginning, but you wanted to be “average” so badly that you dulled your shine. You kept the company of those who have never accomplished what you have, who don’t have the same drive as you, and who have stayed in the same emotional, mental, physical, and financial space for as long as you’ve known them. For years, you’ve watched them chasing their tails.

You’re nothing like those in your immediate circle.

You’ve been talking about leaving for a long time. You’ve been exploring other cities, states, countries, and neighborhoods on the internet. You’ve been looking at homes and cars, schools, and jobs, creating a mental vision board in your head. You’ve got dreams that are too big to share with the people around you, so you write them down in your notes and have tinkered with a few ways to make those dreams a reality.

You’re silently shifting.

You’re afraid to make the move but you know it’s coming. You may not know what’s on the other side of the chance you’re about to take, but what you do know for sure is what's waiting for you if you don’t. There will only be more of the same, and you’ve had enough of that.

You’re ready for more.

And now that you’re reading this, you’ll take it as a sign, and you should! Now is the time. The world is changing and you have to change with it. You have to shift and shift again. Keep changing. Keep adapting. Keep pivoting. Follow your gut on this. Do the thing that scares you the most. Make the move no one saw coming. Don’t ask for permission or agreement. There is something bigger, better, and more satisfying waiting for you on the other side of your fear. There always is.

You’re about to experience a major shift.



Elisabeth Ovesen | NYT Bestselling Author
By Elisabeth

3x New York Times bestselling author, art enthusiast, and design girlie living between Los Angeles and New York City