Do You Want to Be Free?

Why Now? [For Freedom — Porn Resource Pt.2]

Mike Panton
The Gospel Conversation
3 min readAug 27, 2024


Note: This series was originally written as a group resource to be read and discussed over a period of several weeks. If you’re reading this alone, I pray that it helps you, but I encourage you to go through it with someone.

blind-folded man screaming, pulling on a chain with a black background
Photo by Tony Rojas on Unsplash

Freedom Begins With Confession

“Hi, my name is _____________ , and I’m addicted to porn. The first time I saw porn, I was __________ years old. I watch it about __________ times per __________ .”

Do you want to be healed? (John 5:6)

For people struggling with a porn addiction, it’s no longer just something they do. It’s a source of comfort and a refuge. It has become part of their identity.

Are you ready to take responsibility and face the difficulties of life without the constant dopamine injections from porn?

Are you ready to leave behind the comforts of addiction for the unknowns of the fight for freedom?

Are you ready to come out of the dark to face the root of the problem together?

Are you ready to do whatever it takes to be free?

Why do you want to quit porn? Why now?

If you want to be free, you must passionately hate the sin you wish to be free from. That’s why I shared those facts earlier — to help us all see the evil forces behind porn.

Are you quitting because you’re afraid of the personal consequences? Or are you quitting out of love for others because you see porn’s effect on them?

Love of self is a terrible motivator; however, there is none greater than love for others.

Which of the following statements do you relate to?

  • I know I shouldn’t do this, but I keep doing it.
  • I tried to quit, but I haven’t been able to.
  • I want to quit, and I am willing to do whatever is necessary to do so.
  • I have had some success in stopping this sin, but I continue to have lapses.
  • I know I shouldn’t do this, but I feel out of control.
  • I know I shouldn’t do this, but I don’t see why I should stop.
  • I know I shouldn’t do this, but I don’t want to stop now.
  • I can stop anytime I decide to, but I’m not ready to stop now.
  • I know it’s wrong, but I’m the only one it’s affecting.

Exercise // Why?

Spend 30 minutes with Jesus to pray and journal through the following:

  • Why do I want to quit porn? Why now?
  • Ask Jesus to reveal to you the true cost of your porn habit.
  • Do you have any other strong temptations in your life? Life-controlling habits? Addictions? Write them down.

If you’re not careful, you may find yourself running to other bad habits and addictions (i.e. excessive screen time, food) to help you quit porn. It does us no good to get free from porn if we do it by chaining ourselves to something else.

Check out the full series below.

Part 1: The Dark Side of Porn

Part 2: Do You Want to Be Free?

Part 3: Never Fight Alone

Part 4: Do You Believe Freedom Is Possible?

Part 5: Temptation in the Life of Jesus

Part 6: Abide in Jesus. Win the War.

Part 7: Get Action



Mike Panton
The Gospel Conversation

Creator of "The Gospel Conversation" // Husband & dad of 3 boys // International Church Pastor // Virginia 🇺🇸 - Indonesia 🇮🇩 // Chi Alpha at UVA alum