History Giving

Why and How?

Mike Panton
The Gospel Conversation
2 min readJul 29, 2022


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Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash


We want to create a culture of depth. History giving is how we do that. After a few informal hangouts to help form the group, it’s time for history giving. Sharing deep things about ourselves can be hard and awkward, but by creating a time for everyone to share, it becomes much easier.

Some people may confess sin and past struggles. This can be a powerful time to show them the love of Jesus and accept them. It may be the first time they’ve ever felt truly valued and accepted despite their imperfections. History giving is not a time to correct or give advice.


Share Personal History First

It’s usually easier for people to begin by sharing basic details about their life — hobbies, hometown, family, sports, personality, etc. These are mostly facts and are easier to share.

Share Spiritual History Next

After everyone has shared their personal history, it’s time to share their spiritual history. This is deeper and helps complete the picture of who they are. They can share about the spiritual temperature of their home growing up. How important is their faith in their life? Was there ever a moment when their faith became real and they committed to following God? What has God done in their life? Why do they want to join Core Group? What do they hope to gain from Core Group? Much of what they share here is not just facts, but also feelings and deeper experiences. This information can help you better plan future topics.

Everyone has a spiritual history, even if they don’t believe in God.


Set the depth. If you don’t go deep, neither will they. Go first.

Listen. Don’t judge, criticize, or give advice.

Thank everyone for sharing. Make sure they feel appreciated and accepted no matter what. It might have been the first time they ever shared like that.

Share the why. Let them know the purpose of doing history giving. It’s to build a culture of depth: commitment, trust, and love. It’s a gossip-free zone.

Time Limit: 5–10 minutes per person. You don’t want to do history giving for more than two weeks. You have all semester to get to know them better.

Include a short Bible study/Devotional on community. Make time for a short Bible study to add spiritual depth, so they know Core Group is about more than just sharing.



Mike Panton
The Gospel Conversation

Creator of "The Gospel Conversation" // Husband & dad of 3 boys // International Church Pastor // Virginia 🇺🇸 - Indonesia 🇮🇩 // Chi Alpha at UVA alum