The Holy Spirit Intercedes and Empowers

Hidden Power: 8 Functions of the Holy Spirit

Mike Panton
The Gospel Conversation
2 min readOct 17, 2022


blue silhouette of a woman rock climbling

The Holy Spirit Intercedes for Us

“[T]he Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans…the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.” (Romans 8:26–27; NIV)

You are not alone. Even when you’re weak, when you’re broken, when you feel like a failure or like giving up, when you feel most alone — you’re not alone. The Holy Spirit is interceding for you. Jesus is interceding for you (Romans 8:34). God is with you. God is fighting for you. Don’t give up.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit are directly interceding for you, but you still need your brothers and sisters. Who are you being real with? Who have you invited to join God to intercede for you?

The Holy Spirit Empowers Us

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere…” (Acts 1:8; NLT)

The priority of God is the glory of God. We are most at home where God is most glorified. There can be no peace without praise.

We were created and saved to glorify God, but billions of people around the world are still glorifying themselves or false gods. We are citizens of heaven. The Holy Spirit empowers us to bring our lost brothers and sisters home. He empowers us to share our stories and the Gospel. May Christ be glorified in every kost, every classroom, and every home. Let heaven come.



Mike Panton
The Gospel Conversation

Creator of "The Gospel Conversation" // Husband & dad of 3 boys // International Church Pastor // Virginia 🇺🇸 - Indonesia 🇮🇩 // Chi Alpha at UVA alum