God Is Mad With Man

Rev.T.E. Weems

Gail Nobles_Word News
The Gospel Greats
1 min readJul 18, 2014


Photo Credit: Play.Google.Com

There is gospel music as far back as Afro-American Folk Music. There were great sermons in the old days. The kind of sermons and songs that were preached and sung in those days is nothing like the gospel of today. The old gospel songs and sermons that I have been listening to from the 1920's were filled with the truth and not buttered up. We need the real truth today, and so many are misled because preachers hold back what should be told. Nobody wants to hear the old gospel tunes. People don’t seem to be moved today like people were moved in the days of old. They’ll need the meat on the bone again when times are really hard.

Listening to Pandora and watching YouTube, I found an old sermon by a man named Rev. T.E. Weems. I could not find a picture of him and maybe there is none. At least, we have his sermon. It is titled, “Man Is Mad With Man.” And, God is mad with man even now today.


