Doubts & Disbelief

Part Eight

This Broken Clay by Ann Adams
The Gospeler
2 min readJul 18, 2024



In Mark 9, a father brought his son, who has a demon inside, to Jesus. He asked Jesus, “If you can If you are able, would you help my son?”

Jesus replied to the father, “If I can? All things are possible for one who believes!”

With tears in his eyes, the father cried out, “I believe…help my unbelief!”

Jesus did not scold the man, but with tenderness and compassion, He drew out the demon and freed the man’s son.

The father struggled with his faith in Jesus’ ability to cast out the spirit even though he heard about the many miracles performed by Jesus. This same is true for Christians. We too struggle with doubts and disbelief.

Even Jesus’ disciples wrestled with the same doubts and weak faith — and they had Jesus there with them in the flesh!

A faith untested and unchallenged isn’t true faith.

This is why God tests us — not to harm us, but to strengthen us, and to prove that our faith in Him is genuine and real (1 Peter 1:6–7).

And not only that, it is through our testing and trials where our testimony comes from. A testimony where we’ve become witnesses to the power and working of God in our lives. It’s through our testimony that we can declare to others the glory of God; to offer hope to those who are suffering and struggling with doubts and disbelief.


