The Testing of Our Faith

Part Six

This Broken Clay by Ann Adams
The Gospeler
1 min readJul 13, 2024



God never promised believers an easy journey or an easy life despite what some churches preach. No, we were promised that our faith will be tested — by Him and by the devil.

God tests us to strengthen our faith and trust in Him. The devil tests believers to deceive and to thwart our walk with the Lord.

The world persecutes those who are different — those who are indwelled by the Holy Spirit and are lovers of the Truth that is Jesus Christ.

But why does the testing of our faith oftentimes include suffering and losses? Why would a loving God inflict such things upon His own?

I’m going to end this post with testimony by Joni Earickson Tada, a Christian who is a quadriplegic. Her story has been my inspiration since my heart attack. I hope this inspires you and how you view suffering as His child.


