Invaluable Design Gems by Oleg Gasioshyn

Take a look at this interview with Oleg Gasioshyn, a founding partner and design director at The Gradient.

Tania Kramar
The Gradient
3 min readApr 10, 2019


The interview is a special project by Telegaf.Design, a top Ukrainian publication covering design. Each article of this special project is a selection of useful links, ideas and tips from Ukrainian design gurus.
Thanks to Telegaf.Design for letting us publish this translation!

7 of the coolest, most awesome pics ever

Arthur Kondrashenkov

I love glitchy black & white graphics.

Mike McQuade

He has an awesome, original style.

I just love glitches.

An essential mantra in design (and the real world too).

Just like looking at this one.


Sanghyuk Moon

A profound idea and a stunning example of optical illusions.

6 fantastic designers whose works give you chills

01 Gretel

They’re responsible for the brand identity of Viceland, Netflix and Apple’s fascinating “Don’t Blink” video.

02 Pentagram

Best of the best in graphic design.

03 Focus Lab

They have brilliant works in various styles and areas, from brand identity and websites to motion.

04 Gmunk (Bradley G Munkowitz)

Futuristic interfaces.

05 Instrument

Simply awesome fellas.

06 Bret Victor

A must-read for any digital designer.

5 images everyone should see

4 thrilling non-design projects

  1. The Marvel Universe

I can’t even imagine how they manage to cram all this intricacy in their heads.

2. Apple Infinitе loop

If you can call it a non-design project.

3. Hyperloop One

4. Boston Dynamics

3 sources for inspiration




2 favourite apps people don’t know about

1.Google Primer

Bite-size marketing, design and strategy lessons.

2. Any do

A simple (not simplistic!) task manager.

1 thought you want to share with the world

EBASH (aka “Get shit done”)

Original article: Source

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