Praise for The Grammar Games


Lon Shapiro
The Grammar Games
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2016


“In an age where all feed at the trough of snark and meta, only one writer kicks it up a notch, turns the knob to eleven, and gives one more percent than any sports coach, self help guru, or startup CEO can deliver. Standing atop the shoulders of his superiors, the author leverages the snark and meta of hordes of other writers to truly suffer for his art. This is not just a walk in the snark. It is the sum of all which is not really there, the mathematical equivalent of snark squared, a meta-morphosis of absurdity, gratuitous violence, and bad puns. The Grammar Games is literally a literary snarkfest. It reminds me of that blockbuster movie, Snarkado 5: Oh No, You Di’int. Buy it now… these authors are hungry.”

— Vas Goynk Ahn, best-selling author of body supplement direct mailers

“As an immortal pig Latin philosopher once said ‘Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit…’
The Grammar Games lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur libero ipsum, elementum sagittis urna ut, pulvinar tempus elit. Quisque tincidunt malesuada vehicula. Fusce sodales eros velit, ac luctus felis accumsan vel. Vivamus eget lorem risus, The Grammer Games. Proin ac turpis consequat, posuere nisl sed, viverra nunc. Aliquam ultricies lorem sed leo rhoncus, sit amet lobortis neque egestas. Sed in orci et dolor accumsan tristique vitae in mi. Nullam quis nibh sodales, sagittis nulla at, iaculis nisi… The Grammar Games.”

Lorem Prásinos, best-selling Greek random words generator and beloved owner of the Ponderosae

“It was really good, wasn’t it? Like that part about the guy when he did that thing? So much great stuff, I wish I could put my finger on just one of these truly memorable stories. A powerful curation of a whole bunch of great contributions from humble writers who would be embarrassed if I singled out any of them, so I won’t. This book challenged me to stretch, although I don’t think it’s about yoga. It made me want to dig a little deeper, and look for the bodies. Most of all, it made me realize I need to see a hypnotist.”

— Haywood Yapinchme, best-selling author of Amnesia: Forget Your Past for Fun and Profit

“Uncommonly thoughtless: that’s what I think of this never ending insult to all that is writing. Just look at the author’s note: ‘If I did not offend someone, I’m shocked and promise to do better the next time.’ What kind of person writes this stuff? God I wish it was me. It smells like freedom. Like having fingers that could actually type. All I can do is pretend to chew on a cigar and make jokes. I feel like a puppet sometimes.”

— Failure, the Insult Comic Fish, regular performer at Hula Hoopla, Branson’s number one comedy club

“An imaginative story of a type and style I have never heard before. A mysterious narrative voice jumping like a flying squirrel from one time zone and dimension to another, screeching in response to all dogs — big, small and Medium — who bark helplessly at a story that just won’t quit. Even though so many people want to kill it. You will love reading this book while waiting in our comfortable lounges as we check your pads, give you a nice lube and even service your car at one of our convenient locations.”

— Sean Penn Zoil, franchise owner of Nice ’n’ Easy Lube Meisters, who promised to give me a discount on a brake job

“We think it rocks, whatever it is. Like he said. Ditto. I’ll second that emotion. Stop pushing, you in the back! Why, I oughta. Shut up and read the cards. I liked it a lot, because mom said so. Do we get a donut, too?”

— All the guys in the neighborhood who owed me money:

Benny, Joey, Tommie, Shane,

Johnny, Warren, pray for rain,

David, Jimmy, Jeffrey, Cory,

Rory, Dori, Nori, Ori,

Louie, Chewie, Han and Leia,

Wolfie, Tony, Amadea,

Steve and Elvis, Chuck and Berry,

Curly, Moe and Shemp and Larry,

John and Paulie, George and Ritchie,

Bart and Homer, Scratchy, Itchy…



Lon Shapiro
The Grammar Games

High quality creative & design Former pro athlete & high quality performance coach. Teach the world one high quality joke at a time