SpringU Founder on having an impact “The most important thing is to show up!”

Great Climate Race team profile: 5 questions with Team SpringU (Keith Ippel)

Raymond Chou
The Great Climate Race
3 min readOct 7, 2016


SpringU is the startup school that teaches entrepreneurs how. Whether you are just beginning your journey or looking to grow, SpringU provides the tools to build a successful business.

  • Tell us something interesting about the team and the team leader…

“I think right now our team is a great cross section of people for an event like this. Our nucleus includes two people who would consider themselves to be runners; one person who has not run in 10 years; and a 12 year girl. I’m sure we’ll keep diversifying as we add new members too”

  • Why did your company start a team in the Great Climate Race?

“One of the myths about climate change is that it’s very hard for us as individuals to do anything about it. The reality is that each person, old or young, single or married, family no family, this event presents an opportunity for us to recognize there’s small things that we can do. One slight adjustment allows us to make a positive impact. That’s why the Great Climate Race is so valuable, because so many of us are already out and active on the weekend. This is one of those slight adjustments that lets us raise both awareness and money for climate change, for projects that support improving our climate and improving our environmental impact. It’s fantastic, because it’s such an easy thing for people to do.

As SpringU is a startup school that supports entrepreneurs who want to make the world a better place, it’s a great opportunity for us to show our purpose, vision, and values in a slightly different way. We’re thrilled to be part of it.”

  • Why join the SpringU for the race?

“For team Spring we take all comers. It’s an example of how you raise a family in the village, you change the world as a village; so we’re like a little like a village, that’s open, welcoming, and thrilled to have anyone join us who cares about making a positive impact.”

  • What do other teams need to know about SpringU?

“It doesn’t matter how big the other teams are, I think the most important thing is to show up! But, I’m confident other teams are going to be hard pressed to beat our enthusiasm. So other teams better bring their voices, bring their costumes, and bring their energy. For us, it’s not about how fast or slow we run, it’s about how we show ourselves having fun over the course of the race.”

Join the Great Climate Race
  • Why join a team in general or get out start your own team?

“You already run, you already walk, you already spend time out and about on the weekend with your family. Do it in Stanley Park, come out for the Great Climate Race and show yourself and show your friends and show your family just how easy it is. It’s only one short & simple sign-up away. We can change the pace of climate change, make the world a better place and have a ton of fun while we’re doing it, so come out and try it!”

Keith is the founder of Vancouver based startup-incubator Spring U

