What’s Next For The Great Discontent?

The Great Discontent
The Great Discontent
6 min readNov 12, 2019


I really wanted my first introduction to you — friends, fans and family of The Great Discontent — to be a kickass Editor’s Note. A really strong indicator of the vitality of this publication and its future. I tried. Three times. But that’s just not me.

Fortunately, I remember with absolute clarity the first TGD interview I ever read — #20, Lisa Congdon — in January of 2012. [By the end of that first week, I had read the previous 19 interviews and just never stopped.] In her interview, Lisa was asked, “If you could go back and do one thing differently, what would it be?”

“I think maybe I wouldn’t care so much about trying to fit into a certain mold or make certain kinds of work because I thought that’s what people expected of me.”

It’s with Lisa’s advice echoing in my head that I humbly say hello. And the truth is, this isn’t an Editor’s Note — it’s a love letter. I know, boundaries. But, this is me.

I’m Hugh Weber. I’m not a designer or a filmmaker or a writer or a musician. I don’t live in Brooklyn or Portland or Austin or LA. I wasn’t even the ‘creative kid’ in my family.

But, I am many other things. I am a story discoverer, a network weaver, and a community organizer. For the past decade, I have been a builder of communities for creatives and have helped raise millions to invest in creatives and their work. I have led a team producing dozens of micro-documentaries sharing untold stories of creativity. I have been the host of conferences and…



The Great Discontent
The Great Discontent

Celebrating the untold stories of today’s artists, makers, and risk-takers | Learn more at TheGreatDiscontent.com