The American Dream

Sadaf Shah (Student)
The Great Gatsby Blog
2 min readOct 27, 2017

The ‘American Dream’ is where anything can be achieved if you work hard enough in America. Everyone has an equal opportunity to achieve their dreams. The ‘American Dream’ to me doesn’t seem to exist nowadays. People don’t seem to have the same opportunities. If you’re applying for a job sometimes you can be judged on the color of your skin even if you have the best qualifications. You have to be able to know people to make it big but you don’t see much of people’s plain hard work getting them places. In my mind I think the American Dream died a while ago. There are a couple of scenarios where people worked to get where they are and achieved the American Dream but not many. People work hard and sometimes don’t get the recognition they deserve.

Someone that I think embodies The American Dream is Sylvester Stallone. Stallone had a tough upbringing from the second he was born. He is someone that comes to mind when I think about The American Dream because his story shows how a person can go from losing everything to having everything. In the video it tells you how even from when he was born he had difficulties. His doctors severed a nerve and had him paralyzed in several spots on his face. He went from living in the streets and being so poor that he had to sell his dog to being able to write a script and become a lead actor in that movie and buy his dog back. The movie went on to win many awards as did he. Sylvester Stallone is a good representative of what The American Dream is supposed to resemble.

Sylvester Stallone as shown in the video has had a rough life. His upbringing was not the best yet he managed to succeed despite his odds. In the video it talks about his journey from rags to riches and is very inspiring. He works hard and pursued his dream of being a lead role in a script that he wrote. This one film ended up being his big break that made him well known.

