The American Heart Association tries to bury the truth about e-cigarettes

But a study in Circulation, its medical journal, indicates that vaping is safer than smoking.

Marc Gunther
The Great Vape Debate


Smoking is lethal. Vaping is not. Get it? Photo: “cigarette” by lanier67 is marked with CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

The American Heart Association calls itself “a relentless force against vaping.” It says the increase in e-cigarette use by kids and young people is a “serious public health threat.” It claims, mistakenly, that e-cigarettes have been linked to thousands of cases of serious lung injury, some resulting in death. It wants to ban flavored vapes. You get the picture.

The heart association and its anti-vaping allies have campaigned so hard against vaping that most Americans now believe, wrongly, that e-cigarettes are just as harmful or more harmful than combustible cigarettes.

This misperception is tragic. It discourages smokers from switching to vaping.

Last week, the heart association showed once again how tightly it intends to cling to its steadfast opposition to vaping — and how its bias affects the way it presents science.

In a peer-reviewed paper in Circulation, which is published by the association, researchers at Boston University, USC, Johns Hopkins and the University of Louisville found evidence that people who vape had no higher risk of cardiovascular disease



Marc Gunther
The Great Vape Debate

Reporting on psychedelics, tobacco, philanthropy, animal welfare, etc. Ex-Fortune. Words in The Guardian, NYTimes, WPost, Vox. Baseball fan. Runner.