The unchecked power of philanthropy

Bloomberg Philanthropies’ crusade against vaping is doing more harm than good.

Marc Gunther
The Great Vape Debate
13 min readJun 17, 2022


“Mayor Michael Bloomberg” by Rubenstein is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

This is an edited version of a talk that I gave via Zoom to the Global Nicotine Forum in Warsaw, Poland, on June 17, 2022.

If anyone had told me two years ago that I would write many thousands of words about e-cigarettes and be invited to speak at a conference about nicotine, I would not have believed it.

I hadn’t smoked since college. I had never tried an e-cigarette. I’m still not sure I could pick a Puff Bar or a Vuse out of a lineup of e-cigarettes.

So what led me here?

I’ve been a reporter for a long time. Not quite 50 years but close. I’ve written about politics, government, sports, business, media and the environment. In 2015, I turned to the world of philanthropy and began contributing to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, a US publication that covers foundations and nonprofits.

I had personal connections to philanthropy. My wife, brother and oldest daughter all worked for nonprofits or advocacy groups. The sector needed more journalistic scrutiny, I thought. I could see that foundations and nonprofits lacked the feedback loops that, at least in theory, work to hold businesses and even governments accountable.



Marc Gunther
The Great Vape Debate

Reporting on psychedelics, tobacco, philanthropy, animal welfare, etc. Ex-Fortune. Words in The Guardian, NYTimes, WPost, Vox. Baseball fan. Runner.