Tech Companies Are Leading The Future of Agriculture

Delton Rhodes
The Green Light
Published in
4 min readNov 10, 2019


According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, an estimated 1/3 of all food produced globally is lost or goes to waste. The issue, when put into context, is even more concerning. The World Food Programme says that 1 in 9 of the world population does not get enough to eat. With the effects of global climate change continuing to threaten crop yields, it’s becoming more important to find new ways to ensure that farming operations are able to face these challenges and keep up with the demands of the world’s skyrocketing population.

Improvements in technology have been a crucial part of the evolution of agriculture for centuries. From the oxen and plow to motorized tractors to center-pivot irrigation, agriculture has adapted over time. Once again, a slew of emerging technologies is beginning to redefine how agriculture supports the needs of civilization. Here are a few examples of technologies that could play a major role in the future of farming.

Drones, 3D Software, and Machine Learning

Drones have become a huge part of ensuring that farmers can maximize crop yields. There are quite a few startups working on proprietary image-analysis software specifically for farming. According to research firm Global Market Insights, the market for agricultural drones…

