My Urbantz experience

Jules Conil
The Green Route
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2018


After spending a 6 months internship at URBANTZ, I can now write a few words to sum up my experience.

I applied to URBANTZ after discovering the company’s internship offer and its innovative solution. The product sparked my interest and I felt I would learn a lot at a scale-up focused on combining technology and logistics, which is my main domain of interest. The first meetings I had here were very promising.

As a student, you have many expectations for your internship: improving your professional skills, being responsible for interesting tasks, discovering a company where you fit well with your team/department, learning more about subjects that matter to you. And… for most of my friends doing their internship this year at other companies, it wasn’t even close to that: boring tasks, company without a vision, not-so-great behaviour between co-workers, repetitive work, close-minded supervisors, no professional development, etc.

I have been lucky enough to find a management who took into consideration my improvement ideas for new processes, trying out new methods, article topics and personal initiatives. This freedom allowed me to land my first professional meetings with brands I felt interested in, start negotiations with them and exchange feedback. These meetings taught me a lot about the process itself, these interesting companies and their field.

This alone would have already been great, but there was more awaiting me during the internship: gaining valuable knowledge. Being allowed to research what you like, whenever you want and however you want allowed me to discover more about logistics in 6 months than during my whole academic career. This knowledge came from different sources: national reports, newspapers, other companies, corporations, etc. It enabled me to build a solid database for my future experiences, which definitely will be useful. It’s a great opportunity to learn day by day about topics which personally motivate you. The colleagues I had were also more than happy to share their experiences and techniques with me, which is wonderful when you’re becoming familiar with extensive subjects you never worked on before.

A company wouldn’t exist without its team. URBANTZ understands it so well that they pushed me to regularly talk to everyone, regardless of the department they belong to, to keep us all informed about what’s going on. They break the barriers that can’t be moved in some companies, pushing ahead the idea that we can help one another and that exchanging knowledge is the best way to improve. The personal relations in the company are friendly and respectful, without a feeling of strict hierarchy. When others ask you to sit at your desk and focus on your computer, URBANTZ encourages you to stand up and have a look at your co-workers’ tasks in order to help or learn from them.

When I join a company, I need to believe in the product sold. I couldn’t be more convinced that URBANTZ represents the future of logistics. The more I learned about this SAAS solution, the more I was convinced. It’s a complete tool conquering the market with many major businesses already on board. I have no doubt it will be a must-have in a few years and I’m proud to have been a part of this adventure.

If I could change one thing during my internship, it would definitively be the length of it. I felt a part of a global positive movement, for which I’m grateful.



Jules Conil
The Green Route

Passionate about logistics, I want to share points of view about the new technologies and trends. Marketing Developer @URBANTZ