Meet My Florist Kalanchoe

Meeting #3

Marta Calderon, MScE
The Green Thumb


Florist kalanchoe. Photo taken by the author.

My Florist kalanchoe (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) was one of my compulsive purchases from one nursery about five years ago. It is native to Madagascar and became a house plant in the first quarter of the 1900s. It’s a succulent called by many names like Flaming katy, Christmas kalanchoe, and Madagascar widow’s-thrill.

Its shining dark green fleshy leaves contrast with the colorful clusters of tiny stars. Mine produces dark red clusters, but I have seen them in pink, white, and yellow in supermarkets, nurseries, and gardens.

Kalanchoes can grow and spread to 20". Mine came in a 6" black plastic pot. I repotted it about six months later because it grew too quickly. It did not have flowers when I bought it, so for a couple of years, I was intrigued by the color.

Close view of the Florist kalanchoe flower clusters. Photo taken by the author.

In 2022, a sticky glue covered the leaves right before the plant flowered for the first time. I checked for bugs, but I didn’t find any. I thoroughly rinsed leave by leave several times. I treated it once with soap insecticide and the next with copper fungicide after the rinses. Finally, the glue cleared, and the plant is healthy now.



Marta Calderon, MScE
The Green Thumb

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