4 Little Life Lessons That Go a Long Way

Sophie Peralta
The Grey Space
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2022


Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

Ikigai [Ik-ee-guy]

A reason for being; the thing that gets you up in the morning.

For the past year or so, I’ve had the Japanese word Ikigai written on a sticky note above my desk. Partly because I’m not a morning person and partly because I’m a big-picture kind of person. Especially with the mental roller- coaster-of-a-ride that has been life for the past 2 years — I always try to remind myself why I should keep going.

I really wish I could say I had it figured out. I wish I had a routine that I could stick to every day and find fulfillment from. Instead, in searching for this sole force of motivation or passion I feel like I’ve become attached to the idea of a singular version of myself that only exists when she’s happy in the future.

A lot of us see time as this linear thing that happens to us instead of us experiencing it. We see the past behind us, the present moment which is now - and the future which is when we anticipate to be a different, fully healed and evolved version of ourselves. The truth is, we only have this moment right now, and the love a lot of us are searching for outside of ourselves already exists within.

That said, here are 4 little life lessons I’m trying to reaffirm to myself in 2022 that go a…



Sophie Peralta
The Grey Space

(She/Her) Somewhere in between life and dreaming I find time to write about pop culture, fashion, feminism and self-actualizations.