A Letter of Gratitude to My Dead Husband

Karine Schomer
The Grief and Renewal Chronicles
11 min readDec 10, 2021


“Quiet: Genius at W” — Self-portrait by Raphael Shevelev (owned by author)

Dear Raphael — Today, December 10, 2021, would have been your 83rd birthday. You didn’t make it. Three months ago, after a few days in which the pain, the debility and the morphine threw you into terrifying anguish, you ceased being your normal self, then you fell into a deep sleep that went on for nearly twelve hours. And then you were dead.



Karine Schomer
The Grief and Renewal Chronicles

I explore the worlds of society, politics, culture, history, civilizations, language, life lessons— wherever curiosity takes me. karineschomer@cmct.net