New Textbook Fee Set for the Fall Semester

The Griffin
The Griffin
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2024

By Joe Shuron

Barnes and Noble’s “First Day “Complete Inclusive and Equitable Access is set to become an added course fee from the college this fall. Both the fall and spring semester will have a separate fee between $200 and $400 that will include registered course textbooks.

By default, all students are registered as opted-in, however, there is an option to opt-out of the program. It is unclear at this time as to the process of how to opt-out. Students are either all-in or all-out of the program, they are unable to purchase individual books at the “First Day” discounted price.

Jennifer Waring the manager of the Barnes and Noble bookstore at Chestnut Hill said, “It will start in the fall and will include all students in undergrad and accelerated undergrad.”

Students in the program will receive an email 30 days before the start of classes with a link to a webpage that confirms if their correct classes and where they want their books shipped.

Sophomore Marketing major Colby Seelig said “I would benefit from opting out. In the beginning of my undergraduate I would have benefited from it (First Day) but now I have classes that are more project based and online, so I don’t need as many textbooks.”

Lauren Sullivan a sophomore Marketing major said “Personally, I don’t think that it applies to me because sometimes I don’t even spend a $100 on books a semester.”

Waring continued “I’m super excited for the program and hopefully it will help with retention at the college and with student’s grades.”

For additional information here’s a link to a FAQ page about the “First Day” program. Be on the lookout for more information closer to the fall semester.



The Griffin
The Griffin

A digital news publication produced by students at Chestnut Hill College in Philadelphia.