In the pie

Swathy Tantry
The Grimm Reaper
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2016
Credit: Julia Khusainova

In the woods

Dopey looked around nervously, he knew he shouldn’t be here but… but he had to. This was the only way to get what he wanted. As he stood under the overbearing sun, a voice in his head implored him to turn back. This is a bad idea. I should just go home. He turned around and staggered back as he saw her emerge out of thin air.

“Sorry for being late. A Queen has a million things to tend to. I’m sure you understand,” spoke the Queen flashing that mesmerising smile of hers.

Awestruck, all Dopey did was stare at her. You shouldn’t have agreed to this in the first place. YOU IDIOT. He opened his lips to excuse himself out of this arrangement, but she cut him off before words could form on his tongue.

“Let’s not waste anymore of our precious time then,” said she and with a snap of her fingers, a beautiful diamond necklace appeared in her palm. The Queen covered it with a satin veil and handed it to him. “Deliver it directly to her. All you have to do is get her to wear it.”

I hate that smile of hers, but it is so persuasive. A man could slit his own throat if she so requests, with a smile as dazzling as that. Dopey took it carefully and nodded his head in a way which meant, “Yes. Whatever you say.”

“You want to be a Knight, don’t you little Ser? Hold up your end of the promise and I’ll hold up mine. Tell me the good news and your sad days as a dwarf will be over. You will be a man and a most charming one at that, I assure you.”

The woods seemed to have been enveloped in gloom after the Queen left.

In the cottage

Snow knew nothing about the Queen wanting her dead. According to her, she was to stay with the Dwarfs, as long as her uncle wanted her to. She didn’t mind it much as the Dwarfs had an enormous library that kept her curiosities entertained. She would talk, laugh and play chess or poker or other silly games she invented with the Dwarfs when they were at home. When they left for the mines, she would read.

The Dwarfs had funny rules that they followed each day. Exiting the cottage in a queue was one of them, and the order in which they left was specific. Grumpy always led the way and the last one in the queue was always Dopey. Dopey joined the line, stopped in his tracks and rushed towards Snow with the satin covered necklace.

“What is this, Dopey? Is it a gift? For me?” asked Snow, setting her book aside.

Dopey nodded eagerly.

“Did you make this yourself? How beautiful! I love it. Thank you.” Snow wore the necklace and gave Dopey a gentle hug.

In the mine

He felt a bit bad for killing Snow, she was a sweet girl, she was. If not for me, the Queen would have her life anyway. He brushed those thoughts away and daydreamed about all he would do as a man.

In the cottage

They entered the cottage in the same sequence in which they’d left to find Snow lying unconscious in her chair. Her book lay open on the floor. The dwarfs thought Snow had fallen asleep reading but Dopey knew the truth. When Snow didn’t move or answer the dwarfs’ calls, worry filled the cottage. Neurons in Dopey’s brain danced in excitement, but he paced around looking worried.

Doc decided to take the matter in his hand and he concluded that Snow had no pulse and wasn’t breathing. He asked them all to clear the area and removed her necklace, in an attempt to stimulate her breathing. Within a few seconds, Snow woke with a start.

“Did I fall asleep reading?” asked Snow, with the innocence of a child that she was.

Dopey couldn’t believe what he heard. Snow wasn’t dead after all, he stared at her unblinkingly. He jumped up and down in excitement with everyone, but his mind was lost in the thought of, What about my dream? Moreover, what will the Queen do to me?

In the dungeon

“Why didn’t you tell me Dwarf touches have magical powers?” fumed the Queen. Snow would have been dead if only the poison in the necklace wasn’t dispelled by Dopey’s touch.

In the woods

The Queen was already present by the creek, waiting for Dopey to arrive. She didn’t yell at him for failing to kill Snow. She just handed him an apple saying, “You know what to do,” and disappeared at the blink of an eye.

In the cottage

Tonight’s dessert was cooked by Snow and everyone was appreciative of her pie. The Dwarfs had never had a pie before, and they ate like gluttons.

“This good is so pie,” exclaimed Doc.

“It’s alright. I’ve had better,” grumbled Grumpy.

“This is the best way to end a dinner. Thank you so much Snow,” chimed in Happy.

“Thank you,” squealed Bashful as his cheeks turned red when Snow smiled.

“Pies are great. Thank ch… ch… chooooo,” sneezed Sneazy.

It was Sleepy’s turn to say something, but he had just fallen asleep with a smile on his pie smudged face.

“You should all thank Dopey though, it was he who gave me the apple with which I made this applesauce pie. Thank you, Dopey!”

Dopey gulped.

Special thanks to Zachariah Wahrer

