Swathy Tantry
The Grimm Reaper
Published in
5 min readJul 5, 2016
Credit: abstract.desktopnexus.com

When one is a brewer of potions, timing is everything. She opened a window and waited for the sun to gush in and land in her cauldron. Organized as she was, Lara had kept all the jars assembled. The water in the cauldron bubbled away, signaling the right time to add all the ingredients. Gingerly, her fingers dropped in two cubes of winter and watched them melt away. Next, she sprinkled in three teaspoons of powdered hemlock and her creation turned white. Then she added a forked foot of a raven and two tarantula brains. Finally, when the ashes of the asteroid met a pinch of salt, the potion of death came to life.

Lara could hear his footsteps. With a flick of her wand she made all of the apparatus disappear, and pretended to read a book.

“Lara! Come on. We have to go,” he called out. “Mrs. Cooper has the blue disease,” said Life as he fiddled with a bundle of charts.

“Will she live?” Lara asked her Godfather as she loaded her satchel with herbs and potion bottles.

“Well, the charts are positive,” said he, rolling up a long rectangular piece of parchment.

When Lara was 7 years old her parents were killed by 3 men from the neighboring village. Out with her friends, she came back home an orphan. She found her parents lying on the floor. Their eyes closed, they looked so peaceful. “Mom… Dad… I'm back!” she announced in the hope that they’d wake up. They didn't. She played the most most annoying tune on her flute wishing they’ll scold her for it. That didn't help either. As a last resort, Lara decided to lie next to them, asking them to take her along.

Morning found her in a strange place. Her Godfather greeted her with a hot cup of cocoa and the promise of a better future. He was no ordinary man. He was Life. Her parents had chosen wisely. He had the power to give or take away life. And Lara became his apprentice. Over the years her tears were replaced by rage. A void she filled with hatred for the perpetrators. Her only quest was to find them and serve them their due. Finding who did it wasn’t too difficult. Her parents had been sorcerers of great renown and drunk men in taverns spill secrets with each sip. All she had to was keep her eyes are ears open. And wait… Wait for them to get sick.

10 years later she’d already killed one of them. 2 more were left…

“His life was not yours to take,” fumed Life. “Do you consider yourself greater than the Gods?” He was embarrassed as he had promised life to the man’s family. His word had gained him fame and respect, and Lara had proved him wrong.

“He was one of the culprits. He deserved to die.”

“Shut up! I can’t believe you did this. I'm highly disappointed in you, Lara!” He paced away angrily.

“Why do you always shut me up when I talk about Mom and Dad. They were your friends, don’t you think they deserve justice?” asked Lara, looking confused.

“Justice? An eye for an eye, is that your idea of justice?” spat Godfather Life.

She’d never seen him worked up like this. Her eyes welled up but Lara didn't let her tears fall. What is wrong with him? I thought he’d be proud.

He didn't allow any more time to explain herself. “I'm letting you off this time. Do it again and you pay for it with your life. I mean it. The Gods demand balance!”

His outrage had slowed her plans down. She decided to wait until she found out who the third killer was. Besides, Lara still had to learn how to read the charts properly. She was great at potions, good enough to surpass the Godfather himself. That’s how she’d killed the first one. She’d brewed the potion of death and made it look and smell exactly like the potion of life. If she could learn to mend the charts, he wouldn't come to know. I got away once, I can get away twice more. He wouldn't really kill me, would he? No. I am his goddaughter. He loves me so.

“Did you tend to someone while I was away?” asked Life as he wiped the sweat on his forehead.

“Yes,” said Lara, handing him a glass of cold water. “Kayla’s husband Josh was coughing up blood. It was urgent, so I went ahead without you.”

“That’s alright. Is he well now?”

“He’s dead.”

“What? He had a good 20 more years to go. Bring me the charts.”

“He killed my parents. He has no right to live any longer than he already has,” said Lara, nonchalantly.

“You think this is some kind of a joke? Killing innocent men in the name of revenge…”

“Innocent? They murdered my parents for power. Why do you always deny it?” she said, cutting him off mid way.

“How do you even know these men are the ones responsible for your parents’ death? How many men have you killed? Bring me the charts so I can see. Right now!” Furious, his eyes betrayed a flicker of fear and Lara caught it.

“Speaking of charts… I found some old torn ones yesterday. Turns out my parents had a good 40 more years to go. Don’t you find that amusing, Godfather?”

Godfather Life looked like he was melting as he started sweating excessively. He looked enraged, perplexed and scared all at the same time. He poured himself another glass of water, ignoring everything Lara just said.

“You are one of the three killers aren't you? No wonder it took me so long to hunt you down.” Lara said accusingly.

“How dare you talk to me like that?” he snarled. He looked at the glass suspiciously. He tried smelling the liquid and his eyes widened in surprise, “this isn't water, what did you…” His words got stuck in his throat. Lara cherished the look of terror on his face. He’d gone pale as the walls of his house. He tried taking a few steps towards her but his body failed him.The poison had started to take its effect. His hands clutched at his throat. Trembling, he lost his balance and collapsed on the floor. It looked as if he was bowing down to her in submission.

“Its called justice. Would you like some more of that? Isn't it refreshing?”

Read the original version of the tale here, Godfather Death: http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/grimm044.html

Feedback is welcome :)

Special thanks to Zachariah Wahrer and Lizella Prescott

