In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn

The Grind


When looking for help with your startup do not immediately look for another body or worker. Instead what you should first seek, is a mentor. Regardless of the field you are in there will always be someone with more experience and willing to help. That’s your ticket. If you can show that person that you can create value for them and impress them, you are already miles ahead.

Q&A of my mentoring experiences

Q: When did you discover your mentor?

A: I discovered my mentor last semester. Studying business at Lake Erie college, I had a particular course where I was close with my professor. He had announced in weeks prior that we were going to have a guest speaker in class, and that it would be in our best interest to attend class on that day. So I took his word for it and I didn’t know it yet but I met the person to whom I owe a great deal of success. Not everyone gets as lucky as I did, but you have to keep pushing. (P.s I hope you get a chance to read this Tim)

Q: Where can I find my mentor?

A: There are so many different options as answers to this question. If you are still in school you can contact your professors who teach your major courses and as them. Also if you are still in school and have not done so already, apply for internships and co-ops, they do a great job of not only getting you more experience, but also getting to know people in your field as well. If you are in the workforce, you can start by reaching out to people with more experience than you in your field, that’s a great way to get your feet wet and not to mention, free networking!

Q: My dad is in the field that I would like to pursue, and is doing well. Can he be my mentor?

A: Absolutely!!! Yes. I love that. I am in a semi-similar situation myself with my father and the real estate field and so far so good. Parents being good mentors is not uncommon. Often times the only problem is with authority and you not wanting to listen to them, that is because that’s exactly what you have been doing for the majority of your life. Parents can be fantastic mentors, not to mention it would make their day if you ever asked them to be.

People often search for the quickest and easiest way to do something. They cannot be blamed, it seems as though this has become a part of human nature. It’s a general concept and can be applied to just about any area of life. PEOPLE ARE LAZY. Laziness is contagious. If you need help, find it. Don’t complain, just work your ass off.


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The Grind

Exquisite snapchat filter design + management