Kilian Markert
The Grounded Week
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2018


“Choose not to be harmed and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed and you haven’t been.”

— Marcus Aurelius

Welcome dear reader!

I’m excited to finally send you the first edition of my weekend newsletter “The Grounded Week”!

Over the following weeks, I send you the first and original six episodes of my newsletter, so you know what to expect and have been on the journey “right from the beginning.”

Every week I will also send you the current and most recent version so you are always updated what is going on in our journey towards becoming more grounded.

I hope you enjoy the content, get value out of it and get a little bit closer to what all of this is about:
To become more grounded.

Alright, let’s get into it.

What I’ve been writing 👨🏼‍💻

A repost of one of my first articles on my blog. For everybody who struggles with sticking to their habits, this article reveals what factor is really necessary to be consistent. A short read.

Outlining four of the best daily things you can do to become mentally stronger, more emotionally stable and put things into perspective.

A different perspective towards who we really are at the core, independent of our jobs, possessions and even personal identity. Realizing this really lifts a lot of weight off your shoulder.

What I’ve been up to 🔥

I edited some parts of my website. I’m not at all a programmer, but for what I wanted to have changed I need to use some custom CSS. After lot’s of trial and error and many Google searches, I finally figured it out. What an awesome feeling! This only reaffirms that with persistence and patience you can overcome even the seemingly most difficult obstacles.

What I’ve been thinking about 💭

A good friend of mine and I were having some more of our “nightly, balcony chats”, which are essentially discussions about philosophy, the meaning of life and the future of humanity. Pondered deep questions, especially about what consequences AI will have for humanity.

What do you think?

What I found useful ⚙️

Sometimes struggling with falling asleep quickly, especially when I want to take a nap, I came across an article on How to Fall Asleep in 120 Seconds.

Really liked the techniques!

What made me more grounded ⛰

Being very consistent with writing down “three things I’m grateful for” during my evening routine, has made me realized how blessed I am to be alive in such a great time in history. It gave me perspective and strength.

Now it’s your turn!

This week, what made you more grounded? What were the current challenges you were facing? And what did you learn?

Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great weekend and until next week,
-Kilian Markert

PS: Hit the reply to get in touch with me, I’d love to hear your thoughts!



Kilian Markert
The Grounded Week

I help entrepreneurs become more disciplined and consistent by building better habits and mindsets at