The Distinctions between Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Know the difference

Red Wolf
The Growth Mindset
5 min readAug 4, 2023


Photo by Emily Underworld on Unsplash

Have you ever stopped to wonder what’s really going on inside our minds when we feel anxious, stressed, or downhearted? It’s like a beautiful canvas with all these different colors, each representing a unique emotion painting our inner world.

In today’s crazy, fast-paced world, we’re surrounded by so many things that can stress us out and make our emotions go on a rollercoaster ride. So it’s super important to dive deep into the intricate web of our mental well-being. We hear words like anxiety, stress, and depression thrown around all the time, but do we truly get the full picture of what they mean and how they affect us?

So, take a moment to really understand these psychological states better.let’s paint a clearer picture of our inner world and embrace the journey of self-discovery!

Pertaining to stress;

When stress hits you, it’s like a tidal wave of overwhelming feelings. You feel tense and under pressure because of demanding situations, responsibilities, and life changes. It’s like constantly worrying about everything, from deadlines and bills to marriage plans, exams, and even the weather forecast. It’s as if tiny ants turn into enormous creatures right before your eyes!

Stress can come and go, like a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes it’s triggered by external factors, disrupting your peace of mind. But remember, we all experience it at some point. The key is finding ways to tackle those elephants and manage the stress effectively. Hang in there!

Let’s approach “Anxiety”

Anxiety, is like having a whole bundle of nerves bundled up inside you. It’s that feeling of uncertainty and all those uneasy thoughts about what’s gonna happen in the future, you know, like threats and fears. And the worst part is, you keep second-guessing yourself, thinking something bad is gonna go down in every little situation. It’s like being stuck in this helpless loop, and it affects every aspect of your life, just hanging around like a chronic condition. It’s tough, really tough to deal with.

For instance;

“When your university announce the exam date, it’s like, ‘Oh no, what’s gonna happen? What questions will they throw at us?’ It’s kinda nerve-wracking. But once you’re in that exam hall, it’s like a switch flips. You’re just focused on acing it, nothing else matters. No more freak-outs! You’re just determined to rock that test!”


Imagine this: someone sneaks up and robs you. Total anxiety, right? Your heart’s racing, thinking ‘What are they gonna do next?’ Scary stuff! But once they’re gone and the danger’s over, it’s like a huge relief. Back to feeling safe and chill again.”

Let’s Tackle depression;

Depression, is like carrying a heavy burden from the past that keeps haunting you. It’s like being stuck in this loop of overthinking and constantly stressing about what happened before. That feeling of sadness and hopelessness lingers on, making it hard to find joy in things that used to bring happiness.

This mood disorder affects not only how you feel but also how you think and handle everyday activities. It’s like a dark cloud hanging over your life, making everything seem challenging and draining. You feel trapped in this never-ending cycle of despair, and it’s tough to see a way out.

But remember, there’s hope. There are people who care and want to support you. Seek help from friends, family, or professionals who can guide you through this difficult time. You’re not alone, and together, we’ll find a path towards healing and a brighter future. Keep pushing forward!

Healing Beyond Medication:

It’s also important to know that healing from anxiety and depression doesn’t always require medication. While medication can help boost endorphins and improve mood, becoming dependent on them can be risky and harmful.

A genuine psychiatrist can guide you through an alternative path to overcome depression without relying solely on medication. They can introduce you to meditation sessions, which can have a profound impact on your mental well-being. Exercise is another fantastic way to lift your spirits and increase those positive vibes.

Don’t underestimate the power of communication and spending quality time with your loved ones. Just talking to them, sharing your thoughts, and being heard can be incredibly therapeutic.

So, remember, there’s hope beyond medication. Seek the support of a caring psychiatrist who can guide you towards a holistic approach. Embrace meditation, stay active, and cherish those moments with your family. Together, these steps can lead to a brighter, healthier, and happier you.

Understanding the Impact of Casual Language on Mental Health

You know, it’s concerning how some folks casually use terms like anxiety, stress, and depression without grasping the impact of their words. It’s like they’re treating these serious conditions as if they’re just trendy phrases, which is truly ignorant.

I want to highlight that comparing depression to cancer is a powerful reminder of its severity. We don’t hear people nonchalantly saying they have cancer, but we hear it way too often when it comes to depression. That needs to change because using these words lightly can be harmful.

Depression is not a trend; it’s a genuine and severe psychological disorder. It deserves our understanding, compassion, and support. So, let’s be more mindful of our language and the way we talk about mental health. Instead of contributing to a culture that trivializes these conditions, let’s promote empathy and awareness. It’s vital that we create a safe and supportive space for those who may be struggling with mental health challenges. Together, we can make a difference and help each other through difficult times.

Always, Bear in mind! Anxiety and depression is a clinical term, you don’t have to use it casually.

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Red Wolf
The Growth Mindset

As an advocate of positivity and mental wellbeing, I write to inspire, uplift and create awareness. You can support me by subscribing to get my stories.