Hope is All We’ve Got, Though We Mightn’t Know it

Does it help to remain hopeful when life becomes more challenging?

The Growth Path


Photo by Glen Jackson on Unsplash

Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul

And sings the tune without the words

And never stops at all.

— Emily Dickinson

We might sound dispirited and appear downcast. Life might seem bleak and uncertain, but we remain hopeful beings. Hope keeps us going. We carry it along each day and it never stops singing and sounding in our minds.

Regardless of what comes our way, keeping hope alive keeps us going. Even when we’re enfeebled by different challenges, we still find the strength to keep going because we anchor our life journeys on hope.

We hoped the lockdown would be short-lived. And when they introduced the vaccines, we hoped that they will work wonders. We also hoped that our leaders would at least make the right decisions. And when things didn’t work out the way we hoped and desired, we still hope that along the line life will smile at us.

Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.— Epicurus

