How to Harness The Immense Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is the immutable game-changer that operates from the background.

The Growth Path


Photo by Cade Prior on Unsplash

The human brain is massive and very complex. It has a limitless virtual memory capacity to store life experiences including thoughts, feelings, pictures, and information of all kinds. Being able to control your mind and having control over your life is always challenging because of the great size and functionality of the human brain. Though its capabilities and complexity defeat human comprehension, we still can exact some level of control over our minds.

The subconscious is defined as the mental activities just below the threshold of consciousness. This is the phase of the human mind that receives and keeps various data we come across in life. It’s like a fertile ground where various seeds are deposited. These seeds will later bear either edible plants or useless grasses. It depends on what was deposited subconsciously through the conscious phase of the mind.

On other hand, the conscious is when we are awake. It is our closest ally. Every human will through the conscious phase seek, receive or accept what goes into the subconscious. We use our conscious mind to think, plan, analyze, make both good and bad choices. And whenever we desire to make…

