The Fear Merchants Are Ruining Lives, Stop Keeping Them in Business

What happened to the other truths?

The Growth Path



The four dimensions of truth:

  • The one you know but choose not to share.
  • The one you don’t know, that others know.
  • The one no one knows.
  • The one you know and share.

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” — Marie Curie

The fear merchants want to kill us before our time. They don’t care about our mental health and how we’d react to their plethora of dark content. They only care about themselves.

We keep them in business by consuming their virulent contents. They keep us in chains by giving us darker contents to consume. They keep many shackled in the dark corner of doom and gloom by consistently pumping out fear-laced contents — by deliberately refusing to present the other truth.

Though things look dark and gloomy, speaking only about it causes people to believe that it’s the only truth out there. It makes people accept it as the only side in existence. It stopped people from trying to look for the other truth. The other truth which the fear merchants choose to never talk about is…

