When Change Happens, It Leaves a Space Behind

It’s in that space that a meaningful life can be forged.

The Growth Path


Photo by ahmad gunnaivi on Unsplash

After leaving a job I once cherished, I found myself in a space with no clear direction to take. With my unsteady legs and a palpitating heart, I said to myself that I’ll own the space and accept the challenges before me.

But as I was about to step into the space, I realized that there are two directions in the space. Two different life experiences waiting for me in one space. I paused and pondered on which direction to take. One path was broad and utterly smooth. While the other was a hilly tiny trail devoid of any spot where my maiden step would land.

The sparkling doorway and the shiny presents waiting right at the entrance of the broad path almost dragged me inside. I stepped back and began to dialogue with myself. ‘This smooth path seems enticing and obstacle-free, but what if the sparkles and smoothness are just a facade designed to lift my feet into a harmful path?’

‘What if it’d be overly smooth for a naive fellow like me that’s still learning how to walk?’ And where would I lean on to avoid thumping heavily on the ground if I slip and lose my feet after taking only a few steps?’

Unable to answer these questions, I turned around to examine the tiny trail closely…

