8760 hours — 2

Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson
Published in
3 min readJan 3, 2017


Hour 8734, on the way to Sihanoukville.

Woken up to the sounds of crashing and mayhem outside. Construction is going on outside.

Woke up pretty anxious as I haven’t been able to get many billable hours in this week, with the holiday period etc… Today I’m going to try and chat properly with one of the clients from the Valley. Which means navigating a 15 hour time gap.

This is probably the only thing that sits in my life which is actually annoying. Like, procrastination, fine — whatever. Not eating super healthy or getting enough sun. Still, whatever. But I can’t even sit still if I don’t manage to put in a least a few hours of client work.

The routine get’s really messed up while traveling. Somehow we got to breakfast for 9am. Which is pretty insane for us. Managing to book a bus to the south was a breeze. Just $11 each for a 6 hour ride.

That’s essentially what the day was taken up by.

The coach was much better than expected. Quite nice, actually. Although the wifi was broken.

We got to the south safe and sound. It’s the first time I’ve been the next to the Sea in months and it was really quite welcoming.

The night ended with a $10 Seafood grill, that came with 2 beers, 2 sides of fries and 2 salads. Overall, strong 6/10.

I need to shave

Today’s main thoughts

It’s important to create time and actually plan it. Days in advance. Otherwise you end up just falling through days seemingly doing nothing. I don’t know, but if I don’t track my time, I feel very ‘loserish’. I’m constantly thinking about work. I guess that’s a good thing, because I actually enjoy it.

Little worried that the transitions and constant traveling are going to put clients off. It’ll be 4 countries in 4 months. Quite ridiculous. Luckily I have 8760 to take my mind of things.

8760 is slowly taking off and the FB group growing organically now. People are actually mad I haven’t sent out the mastermind links yet!

Still trying to figure out the right amount of balance needed for this project. Ideally I could monetise this in a way that serves the greatest number. This scenario would involve charging a lot to few people and offering them a lot of value. Then we can give everyone else it for free.

The current assets are:

  1. The 8760 Guide
  2. The FB Group
  3. The Slack Mastermind
  4. Getting people accountable
  5. Getting people in Mentor/Mentee relationships

It’s hard as I don’t really want to charge for anything if I can get away with it. But at this time I’m spending too much of my time and too much on ads to carry on doing this for free. Another problem is that to monetise, I’ll very likely have to go down the ‘huxter/coach’ route. But I don’t want to come of anything like ‘Sam Owens’ or ‘Tai Lopez’. There must be another way to leverage it all. Perhaps asking the community is the best way forward.

16:00 on the spot, 1000s leave work

Day Stats

Total Work: 0hours

Total billable Work: 0 hours

Total Travel time: 6 Hours

Total signups on site: 243

Total FB group members: 162

Total spend today: $75



Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson

Just trying to make my own decisions. For more Freelance value, follow me on Twitter -> https://twitter.com/madladshad