8760 hours–7

Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson
Published in
4 min readJan 8, 2017


Julia has food poisoning :(

But all is not lost. We head over to the only place guaranteed not to make our stomachs churn. The Vegan spot running by a British Expat.

Inti bowl is so damn good

I always used to bash Vegan food and Veganism in general, in the past. I no longer do. Waking up in the morning, I never want a bacon sandwich or anything of the sort. In fact, I revolt at the thought of it. Not because of ethics, morals or climate change. Simply because of how much better eating something such as in the picture above makes me feel.

Honestly, I encourage anyone reading this to simply try eating fruit for breakfast. If you’re worried it won’t fill you up, just eat a lot of fruit. Carb loaded fruits like apple can also help fill you up.

My findings are not I no longer get tired around mid-day and my focus does not waiver as I work through the morning. I also am full, but a different type of full. I can feel that I don’t want to eat, but it doesn’t feel as though by stomach is going to explode. It’s hard to explain.

Hey, I love meat. Steaks, even though cows are literally destroying the planet we live on, are delicious. But once I started moderating my intake, trading off meat for fish and greens, everything just felt better.

I just wanted to share that as, usually you will hear that rhetoric from someone with dreadlocks that smells like they just smoked a joint. That cliche ‘vegan’. I, am a meatloving non-vegan who happens to keep a very veganish diet just because it feels good.


Back to work stuff.

I’m managing to cram more work in as I get used to this routine. The trick is to actually fill hours where it is possible to work, with work. Not just lounging about on the laptop. That is working immensely well for me.

Client calls coming through, great communication with the 2 main teams I’m working with and 2 huge re-launches coming up. Very, very fun.


I think I have it all figured out now. Everything from how I can make it free for early-adopters to how I can price it heavily for late adopters.

I’ve also thought of how to combine FB with my own site. It would essentially involve creating a ‘FB lite’ program of the main stuff for the members. Where people can follow along but don’t get all of the benefits.

I was watching Tai Lopez videos today with Julie after a new one popped up and she was intrigued. I decided that there is actually something I can learn from him.

Lifestyle. People buy into lifestyle. I’m fortunate enough to be in a lifestyle that people actually want. I need to show that it is possible. I barely make more than $4k a month. However I work less that 30 hours a week and am relatively stress free. Get to travel the world and all that other cool shit. I need to show people that its possible. Perhaps the program should encourage people to travel and how to actually sell everything, Gary V style.

Word splurge:

  • Minimalism in all things.
  • Matching people, getting them together in real life.
  • How to retain people on the actual platform, why not just pay for a month, get matched then leave? I need to add lots of value.
  • Perhaps offer quarterly and yearly payments? That will help with churn
  • Travel guides
  • Get community to write their own blog posts for 8760 and create their own journeys. This will spread the word. However I would have to be selective with people who have influence. Do I really want to do that? It goes against my ethos. Perhaps I can balance it with people who have awesome pitches and people with good influence to get people into the groups. Especially at the start.
  • Weekly challenges? Monthly challenges? Daily challenges? This all could be really fun and also very engaging

Day Stats

Total Work: 6 hours

Total billable Work: 4 hours

Total Travel time: 0 Hours

Total signups on site: 402

Total FB group members: 325

Total earned today: $200

Total spend today: $20



Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson

Just trying to make my own decisions. For more Freelance value, follow me on Twitter -> https://twitter.com/madladshad