Actual Growth Hacks — 001: Facebook Live

3 posts a week on actual actionable Growth Hacks. Stay ahead of the curve.

Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2016


Facebook Live. A relatively new feature by Facebook that allows any user at anytime to stream anything (practically) that they want to. Think about that for a moment, will you.

We can use it to:

  • Create mass virality within hours
  • Drive traffic to our site with clear CTAs
  • Create a tonne (S**t-tonne, to be exact) of engagement and likes

Method 1 — The simple way

The formula for this is quite straight-forward, you need:

  1. Something that is topical to the current times. Think Movies, Politics, National Holidays.
  2. Something that has some form of social currency, so that it’s shareable.
  3. Something that people will be a little taken aback by, it needs to make people somewhat amazed. For better or worse.


Our test —

We created a real time page over at —, then FB live’d it straight to the page.

We shared it with our friends and got them to share it.

We then drove $50’s worth of FB traffic to the post to try and give it an initial momentum.

The results over 3 days were 2.5million+ reach/impressions, 700k views, 15k shares, 29k comments, 18k likes on the video and 6.6k likes on the page.

Over the same 3 days we also saw roughly 17k sessions on our site. A direct result from Facebook efforts. Woof.

Tips for success:

  1. Share the crap out of it. Share share share, on every channel and every medium. Starting with your personal FB.
  2. Make multiple CTAs and if necessary, make it necessary that they go through the CTA to get the content. Such as the ‘Anonymous’ example posted before.
  3. Make sure your site has enough bandwidth to handle all of that traffic. Seriously, if you make it you’ll be blown away.

Method 2 — The realtime liker

Using a tool such as to create a real time, visual poll. Or creating one yourself. This involves updating in real time you FB live, when a FB user likes the post with a certain emoji. Each emoji will increase the rank of a certain poll option.

Leo was more shocking, right?

This method involves creating something that will encourage people to actually engage in the post. Again, keeping it topical, but this time, controversy is key.

The ideas are limitless for this, don’t pigeon hole yourself into thinking that you have to do something on politics.


As always, to get the most out of these things, you have to test them yourself.

But don’t worry about it going super viral. Perhaps you have a super niche niche, such as spiritual books written in Latin. Think of it as a tool to reach every Latin literate spiritual book enthusiast, as all of them share it with their friends. What can you do to get those shares? Engagements? Traffic to your site?

Get it done.

Written while in The Work Loft, Bangkok, Thailand. Damn it’s hot outside.

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Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson

Just trying to make my own decisions. For more Freelance value, follow me on Twitter ->