An equation of life

Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2015

/* Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough.” — Musk*/

First stop?

First one must find out his State of affairs.

Currently I do a degree in Philosophy. I have no desire to learn any more Philosophy, nor do I have a desire to revise Philosophy, nor do I have a desire to academically write Philosophy on subjects I've been instructed to write about. I have no desire to spend another year learning Philosophy. I don’t want to go into anything that needs a degree, never mind a degree in Philosophy. I think that I can spend my time far better and will be far happier if I was studying something else other than Philosophy.

Goodbye Ancients ☹

One may take from this, I probably shouldn't be doing a fucking Philosophy degree. You’re right. So why am I? Well, mainly [University life, Social Life, Finances, Cultural view of success].

So what do I propose to do? I propose to drop the fuck out. As in, right now. Done.

I propose to travel the world, see everything, meet everyone, make amazing things, grow smarter and fitter and actually do what I want to do. But actually start doing it now, as in right now. As in right right now now.

I've toyed with the idea of becoming a Digital Nomad for the last 6 months.

So what does this entail? Living anywhere in the world, going anywhere I want to, whenever I want to, working for whoever I want, including myself. I get to work on what I love doing, whenever I want to. I don’t have to worry about my assessed essays. I don’t have to worry about Kant’s moral transcendence. I still have no fucking clue what the distinctions are between intuitions and categories (Sorry Dino, you did try). Also I can make good money and truly build everything I've always wanted to build but always said I didn't have the time. I can work 4 hours a day or 20 hours a day. My work day can be having coffee with people I met on slack and going to a castle in Budapest. It can be swimming in the crystal waters of Bali. But who knows where I’m going to go. I’m just going to go somewhere.

So what work will I be doing? Well, I can code. My portfolio site will go live soon where you’ll see all of my latest projects. Some are really, really cool. I figured I only need to make £1300 a month, or $2000. I think that I can charge roughly $50/h at the moment. Which means I need to do around 40 hours of work per month. More than likely, I’ll try and pick up a fixed salary position making more than that.

Now that I think about this and am sure of my decision, everything seems clear. I actually feel happy just thinking about it. I’m no longer anxious about the future, because I’m now living in the present. I’m doing what I want to do and working towards my goals right now. Like, right now. I’m going to click send on the article then get straight back to doing what I love.

Lot’s of love Warwick, no hard feelings x



Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson

Just trying to make my own decisions. For more Freelance value, follow me on Twitter ->