Always finding time

8760 hours — 63, punching above your weight

Kicking ass and taking names, productivity through the roof. Being happy with what I’ve got. On a theme of gratefulness.

Published in
4 min readMar 4, 2017


Almost 2 weeks since the last check in. We settled back in after the Visa run from KL. Getting over fraud on the card, laptops breaking down and all of that. Back onto a theme of actually winning.

Winning has been made out to be such a terrible phrase to say. With the advent of Trump and his tone of ‘constant winning’, becoming a winner now has a negative connotation for me. Which is, you know, pretty unfortunate.

Also, winning usually describes something that is somewhat a zero-sum game. When there are winners, there are losers. Of course, in our system (Sic — capitalism) there are winners and losers and it is indeed a game.

Removing myself from the ‘system’, means that I’m no longer a part of that game. By geo-arbitraging, I’m already a winner. Making 10X average salary, just by changing the country I live in.

Which is insane if you really think about it.

I think of it a little like those old gaming magazines you could buy. In it, would be hundreds of cheat codes for games. Along with demos for games in the forms of discs, attached to the outside of the magazine.

Life basically feels like I’m using those cheat codes. I’ve somehow managed to win, without actually winning. I really enjoy thinking about life like this. I mean, it literally is a game. A game of survival and the gathering of resources at it’s most intrinsic core. There are basic mechanics within the game.

But, there are cheats. You can follow along with the main story line, getting the right grades, going through education, getting a job and becoming a part of the game. Or you can, you know, just do what you want and cheat.

Cheating at life looks a little like this

I titled this entry ‘punching above your weight’ because I feel like that’s constantly what I’m doing. There isn’t a clear way, in my eyes, to actually progress without doing this. There’s many cliches around ‘Fake it till you make it’ and so on. I see links between these sayings and the concept of punching above your weight, as an integral way to actually progress upwards in life.

Here, there is a reasonable amount to flesh out.

  1. Everyone is just a person, with a human physiology, a human psychology and are bounded my the universe’s physics. Just like yourself, myself and everyone else.
  2. Everyone who is ‘higher up’ than you, in your vertical, was once in your place. That’s regarding all of the attributes above. There may be discrepancies of course, different environments, mental states, friends.
  3. Everything humanly achievable is achievable. Meaning that, if we were to look back on this point or at any point, in lets say, 5000 years time, humanity’s progress up until this point may seem pretty insignificant. What I’m trying to say is that, there are boundaries to what can be accomplished, however those boundaries are likely incredibly high and very unimaginable. Living on Mars is a graspable thing right now, living somewhere light years away is not. But it may be one day and yesterday having a colony on Mars was not even conceivable, we couldn’t even get a satellite up there 100 years ago.
  4. With point 3 in mind, if you have the willingness and the ability to go out and do something, whatever that may be, there’s a chance that if you spend every waking moment trying to get there, you will get there. They don’t exactly logically follow, but you see the concept.

All together, this entry is trying to say a very cliche thing. Anything is achievable. But there’s actual reasoning behind it. Hopefully one can see practical and actionable advice in it, also.

Sunsets here are incredible

Okay, on a complete side note. Things I’ve been testing lately:

  1. Coldturkey app, an app that completely bans you from going on certain sites and apps. You can’t uninstall it once you start a timer and there’s very little way around it. I’ve been banning everything and my productivity is through the roof.
  2. Evernote productivity system. I found an incredible system utilizing evernote. Along with Coldturkey and RescueTime, I’ve been absolutely killing it.
  3. RescueTime. I’ve been using this to keep track of my productivity. In my last entry I showed how shit I had been over the last 3 years, as it was always tracking without me knowing. An incredible tool everyone should be using.

On top of this, 8760 is back in full swing. Things are great. Work life balance is perfect. The only issue currently is considering the next steps.

The 8760 is a hyper-flexible network of high level experts that share common culture, infrastructure and experience in the TGE & Consensus space. We work on projects ushering in the fourth industrial revolution, zeroing in on their Strategy, Investment, Marketing and Creative.



Just trying to make my own decisions. For more Freelance value, follow me on Twitter ->