Our housemate

8760 hours — 37

The demise of Angie

Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson
Published in
5 min readFeb 7, 2017


So it’s not really essential that you are always doing. I mean, that’s a pretty loaded statement. But the more I think of it, it’s really hard to measure your personal MRP in a linear fashion.

As an example, working directly on a project at work or for a client. You make them X amount of money in return for Y hourly. Which is as simple as get’s and affords us the ability to create markets and the economy.

However when it comes to, dare I say it, entrepreneurship, that all goes out the window. How can I truly measure just how much something is worth in the long run. I don’t even know if it is useful until it’s put into practice.

Fortunately, that last part the last sentence is very telling. You don’t know the use of something until you put it into practice. When kids complain about learning Algebra or History in school, it’s usually under the pretence that in fact what they’re learning will of be no use to them later in life. Of course, they have no true way to know this.

But much like any education we engage in, or anything that you might consider as an investment into yourself, it’s very hard to know if it is of value and adds to your MRP. MRP being Marginal Revenue Project. In this capacity I’m just taking it to mean how much extra value you produce as an individual to any task which you decide to give attention, which should provide value to yourself. Perhaps mainly in a monetary fashion. Eg, your business.

So, after all that mumbo-jumbo, what I’m really trying to get at is you should really value what you spend your time on.

Now I know that’s uber cliche. But time is the one thing you cannot buy, no matter how much you think singularity and what not will happen. So if, like me, you want to increase your personal MRP or your own enterprise as fast as possible, then the one thing you should care about is not necessarily how you manage your time, but what you get done in that time.

I always remind myself of a middle-aged, very cool Canadian man who stayed at my Airbnb. He would wake at 6, meditate then start work. By the time I was getting going in the morning, he had already finished most of his work. In fact he only worked 5 hours a day, but those 5 hours were super productive.

To address what I’m writing directly. It’s not how big it is, it’s how you use it. It’s not how much time you put in, it’s what you do in that time. It’s not the amount you produce, it’s the quality of what you produce.

I’m back to being a Philosopher

So when considering what edX course to take. What online Ads course to buy. What X to do which will enable you to do Y. Ask these questions:

  1. Can I learn 20% of this course’s material in another form, which will give me 80%+ of what I need to know?
  2. Is what I’m going to learn going to impact my MRP so greatly that I should learn it right now?

If the answer is even ‘maybe’, then it isn’t the right thing to do right now. There is something out with a far higher priority.

Bali is very cool but it’s been pissing it down lately. I’m enamoured with the place in all honesty. But I don’t enjoy the hipsterish location and the really quite high prices. The quality is high here, from food to clothing. Which I enjoy. Mexican is good also, which is a huge plus.

It feels like I’ve been away from home for an eternity. Birmingham feels miles away, well, I guess it actually is. But everything in regards to Trump and so on, I just can’t relate.

Imagine reading about whatever crazy executive order is currently being done. Only, you’re right next to the beach sipping on a coconut. That fortunately my reality. With that, I have no concept of the world’s reality anymore. It all seems so distant.


Well, my laptop broke so that’s a pile of shit. Gutted as that is essentially $2000 down the drain. It is not repairable, she’s too far gone.

I quit doing stats as I thought they were very lame. But starting from March I will try it again. I think it was just lame because I wasn’t keeping up with them properly.

Currently on a new tea endeavour. Will keep everything updated.

The 8760 is a hyper-flexible network of high level experts that share common culture, infrastructure and experience in the TGE & Consensus space. We work on projects ushering in the fourth industrial revolution, zeroing in on their Strategy, Investment, Marketing and Creative.



Shadi Al’lababidi Paterson

Just trying to make my own decisions. For more Freelance value, follow me on Twitter -> https://twitter.com/madladshad