“Culture Of: The Cosmos” Recap

Ally Nguyen
the gst /gist/
Published in
5 min readDec 20, 2021

We know you don’t need us to tell you that these past two years have been a whirlwind. As we wrap up the second year of the pandemic, we wanted to be thoughtful and intentional about what our community might need this year. We spent the first half of the year looking outwards to imagine, dreaming up new realities for ourselves and our careers. Then we looked inward to find ways to nourish ourselves, making space to tap into our needs and exploring new ways to find comfort and meaning.

Last week, we gathered for our last event of 2021, diving deep into the metaphysical world with Culture Of: The Cosmos. We opened our minds up to different perspectives and explored how Human Design, dream work, and tarot can nourish us, helping us better tap into our true selves and live life with purpose.

A deep thank you to our host, Cassandra Lam, Transformation Facilitator and Founder of The Cosmos (meta, right?), for guiding us along this journey, and of course to our incredible speakers: Human Design guide and leadership coach Erin Claire Jones, Shamanic Intuitive Mimi Young, and Tarot Reader Gary D’Andre. Keep scrolling to learn more about these practices and the juicy wisdom they blessed us with 🔮

Best bites

  • “Since mankind has existed, whenever we have felt loss, uncertainty, pain, upheaval at scale, human beings have always looked up to the great night sky in order to figure out… what is our place here, who am I, what am I here to do, how do I as one little speck in the universe play into everything else?” Cassandra shared the origin story for the name of her company, The Cosmos, which fittingly alluded to the talks of the night. Looking beyond ourselves to not only understand who we are, but how we fit into the collective.
  • “Once you really learn your Human Design, you can use it in every decision you make, and it can be an amazing tool to move you out of resistance and into flow. It’s a reminder that we’re all wired to do things differently. It always returns us to ourselves. It’s not predictive, it’s about helping us understand our operating systems so we can flow with it, not against it.” Erin shed light into how knowing our Human Design can help us reframe the way we make decisions to live more fully and frictionlessly. It gives us a language for our lives — permission to be who we truly are and how to thrive in doing so.
  • “You can definitely work while you sleep. I’m not saying to never take rest, but I’m saying you can approach time in a way that’s beyond literal and linear. Maybe you can reach into a network of resources that’s far more beyond the tangible.” Mimi shared how dreams have helped her make decisions about her business and in her personal life. Spirits use dreams as a conduit to communicate to us, just as our inner selves and desires use our subconscious to speak directly to us. So the next time you dream, think about what wisdom it’s passing onto you and what connections you can make in your waking life.
  • “Your spirit needs something every morning. Your spirit needs direction. How can you take ownership for yourself?” Gary shared how after he went to a tarot reader, it provided immense clarity, prompting him to routinely pull his own cards every morning in order to be reflective of the day and help him understand how to better focus his energy.

Go deeper

  • Learn more about the incredible community Cassandra has built for Asian American women to care for themselves and the world at @jointhecosmos.
  • Find out your Human Design and purchase your energetic blueprint.
  • Check out Mimi’s mentorship program, enhance your nocturnal intuition with products from Ceremonie, and sign up for the December edition of her magazine UNSEEN!
  • Follow @gangstagurry for more tarot goodness. Take a peek below at the 3 card spread he closed us out on to get a sense of the types of questions that tarot can shine a light on.

Run with it

What you need to take your first steps into each of these three areas:

  • For human design, gather your birth date, time, and place. This information can also be used in astrology to understand yourself from an even more holistic point of view.
  • For dream work, start by redefining your dreams. Dreams don’t have to tell one cohesive, literal story. They can be a single word, or a sensation or feeling.
  • For tarot, purchase your first deck and start pulling cards every morning to help ground yourself in the day. Gary recommends the Wandering Star Tarot as a beginner deck — and no, your first deck does not need to be gifted!

As we retreat into ourselves to gear up for a reflective end to 2021 and recharge ourselves for 2022, we hope these tools sparked something in y’all and offer the opportunity to gain new perspectives. Thank you so much to this incredible community for supporting our events this past year. Stay healthy, stay safe, and remember that we all have magic in us. Cheers to the new year ✨

With love and solidarity,

Team strtgst

