“Off-Topic Townhall” @ Caveat Recap

Darien LaBeach • he.him.his
the gst /gist/
Published in
3 min readSep 4, 2019

How’s it going STRTGST fam?

🙌 Our second Off-Topic Townhall was incredible. The topics were fascinating and getting to carry the convo over to Donnybrook after is exactly what we want to do more of with this community. And everyone sharing their recent obsessions on their name tags?! 😍 We want to thank our speakers and performers. They truly made the night so special. Follow them on the Internet, let them know what you thought, and stay in touch.

No sweat if you missed it. Below is your recap and a few best bites.

wall of strtgsts at checkin + bliss house sessions rocking the stage (photography by sean choi)

Caveat NYC

Check out Caveat’s full calendar of events that make you smarter and drunker here, and listen to Caveat’s first podcast release: Nevertheless She Existed: Stories of the Women They Don’t Want You To Know About. Please rate and review!

Olu Bliss (Bliss House Sessions)

  • Best bite: “Throw it all away. Throwing my stress away.”🎤🎶

Emily Dods (The Rise of Billie Eilish)

  • Best bite: “Nothing is new. You just don’t know the reference.”

Clara Luo (The Forgotten Middle)

  • Best bite: “Whether it’s geographically or it’s your career, don’t shy away from the middle. Embrace the uncertainty.”

Alex Morris (Why Words Don’t Matter)

  • Best bite: “Words are the beginning not the ending. Our job is not a summary. It’s to evoke.”
  • Also, peep Alex’s Strategy Scrapbook, curated and created to help planners get away from their desks. We STAN.
emily dods, alex morris, and clara luo (photography by sean choi)

Adriana Menses (3 Lessons I Learned About Inclusion From K-Pop)

  • Best bite: “Being authentic about what it means to be an individual–that’s what invites people. That’s the phenomenon.”

Kate Downey (From Shakespeare To Entrepreneur)

Darien LaBeach (How Being A Token Black Friend Made Me A Better Strategist)

  • Best bite: “Code-switching is kinda like dynamic messaging. Yes, only one is for survival, but it makes sense if it’s authentic and you remain true to who you are.”
kate downey, adriana menses, and darien labeach (photography by sean choi)

Can you believe we’re more than halfway through the year?! And we’re not done. We’ve gone some rad programming coming up before 2020. Stay tuned. And encourage others to join our mailing list so no one misses out: strtgst.co

Stop here. ✌️

the gst /gist/ is a publication of strtgst.co



Darien LaBeach • he.him.his
the gst /gist/

is a rogue thinker, former editor of the gst /gist/ and the founder of dar thought: a Black owned strategy studio rooted in radical rethinking. @dlabeach