Here’s How My Sister & I Survived Hurricane Irma:

Summer Fernandez De Castro
2 min readSep 26, 2017

By abandoning our responsibilities and taking

advantage of the electricity; by setting the air to 65

degrees and building a blanket fort; by

hoarding our friends into the one living room and

having a movie marathon; by making fun of

whoever chose the bad movies and banning them

from the tv remote indefinitely; by cooking all the food

and stuffing ourselves so that we wouldn’t waste

a thing; by making hilarious scenarios about how

we plan to save our animals from the flood; by

laughing about our childhood and getting trying

not to get emotional about how much we’ve grown;

by joking about quitting our jobs and living together

in Hawaii; by fighting sleep and then

moving mattresses so that no one had to sleep

alone; by trying to sleep, despite the sound of

smartphone weather warnings and branches knocking

on the tape-secured windows; by waking up in the dark

and realizing that the power had gone out; by observing

the damage and calling our parents; by getting fed up

the lack of air conditioning and constantly complaining;

by refusing to eat the canned food that we bought for

the hurricane and standing in line for three hours

for chinese food; by making it through 24 hours of silence,

monopoly, our crying pets, and flashlights; by crying

about the power finally coming on and celebrating with

a spontaneous trip to disney; by not wanting to say

goodbye and planning our hurricane-free reunion, thinking

how lucky we are to have each other.

