Compilation of my visual inspiration:

Caitlyn, of the North.
Mosaic Playbill
Published in
3 min readOct 27, 2016


I like to keep a playlist of sorts of different kinds of faces.

I’m a very visual writer, I’ll probably write something about that.

I’m also kind of like a Sheldon Cooper. I have eidetic imagery. Also known as “photographic memory.”

When I write I tend to incorporate a lot of images. I add them to word documents, I find that using Microsoft One Note is a good writing tool, I can write and add in pictures wherever I need them like a story board. I highly recommend using Microsoft one note.

I’ll share here a few of my favorite visual stimulus.

If you don’t use pinterest as a writing tool, you definitely should be. I find good references on there for word use, imagery, and quick tips as well.

I find that it usually helps with writer’s block, I can always find something to spark my interests.

A lot of photographers use pinterest to market their work. This image below is currently being use as my visual inspiration for a character based on myself:

Beatrice Havenmoore, of my Pottermore spin. Isn’t she just devious! I love it.

I save a lot more than just faces also, I save collages as well as fashion posts. Especially if I need to describe an outfit or how a person stands or what a specific place looks like.

Living far away from the rest of the world, it’s hard to just get up and travel. Being able to look up photos of specific places on pinterest and instagram I can connect to my stories much better and incorporate a lot more detail. Accurate details.

Also, finding fan art to incorporate into my story build is fun. I don’t use tumblr, but pinterest bridges that connection. A lot of tumblr posts end up on pinterest or instagram and I can search specific things a lot easier.

If you’d like to see my boards:

I have a couple of public inspiration boards, I also have a lot of private boards that only I can see. Having private boards is very handy option on pinterest. You can also set it up were more than just you can post to a board. If you’re collabing on a story with someone they can add to your board.

Have fun, be Creative.

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