Creativity CrossFit

NaNoWriMo is taking over my mind

Aura Wilming
Mosaic Playbill
2 min readOct 18, 2016


You know how the stereotype of people who do CrossFit, is that they won’t shut up about it, and will somehow turn the topic to how they are doing CrossFit in every conversation within 5 minutes? While other people, ‘sane’ people, will kind of roll their eyes…and maybe remark on how such a program done wrong, could very well result in injuries?

Yeah, that’s kind of how I am feeling about my first NaNoWriMo. And it hasn’t even started yet. I’m trying very hard not to give in to the urge to bore everyone I know to death with tales of how I’m about to attempt to write my first novel. I’m expecting it to be really hard, but so satisfying. Not to mention I’ll have some serious creative muscle when I’m done. I’m so pumped!

Added to the urge to blabber on about NaNo, is this strange paranoia about revealing too much too soon. What If I decide to scrap the idea I was raving about two days ago? So I try not to talk about it at all. But then, when I don’t talk about my ideas I’ll start to doubt them. Am I being too cliché? Am I being lazy with my character arcs? Is it all too far fetched? Why do I even care, it’s exercise. I’m not expecting my first novel to be any good.

Ha, that’s a lie. I’m hoping it will be good. I’m hoping it will be great even. It won’t be, but that’s not stopping me from secretly thinking I’ll be that one rare author who strikes gold on their first try. I did mention writing hasn’t actually started yet, didn’t I? There’s a thing that you’re supposed to make a playlist to write to. Here’s the fist song that should go on mine.

Due to this Creative CrossFit induced mania, I have settled many details of my story already. I have a where. I have several who — some of which I will share in my blog. I even made a NaNoWriMo section in my Unsolicited Bloggings publication. I decided not to reveal the protagonist though. She’ll remain a secret until my story is done.

What I’m excited about at the moment, I have settled on a what. The thing my novel is about. It’s a question; how far would <protagonist> bend her concept of ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ to belong? I can at this moment see two opposing answers to the question, and I’m not certain which way it will go yet.



Aura Wilming
Mosaic Playbill

Writer of fiction, blogs and erotica. Frequency in that order. Popularity in reverse.